whiskey trauma pt.6

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I had been awake for approximately a minute and a half and I was already in tears.

I had tried to remember what had happened before I passed out.

Ethan and I were doing what we usually did in the kitchen close to dinner time, just being stupid at our freshly new-adult stage, by getting drunk off his father's cheap whiskey and spilling our deepest hopes and dreams.

We had just taken the impulsive, scary step of moving in together, which was more so Ethan's first step let alone my fifth, and so far he had yet to regret it.

I on the other hand was bouncing out of my seat, eager to talk to Ethan about what had happened earlier that day.

And by his second glass, he had begun to notice my lack of excitement.

"You should lie down, y/n. You look pale."


And that's all that I remember.

Now it looked to me like I was in the emergency room of the hospital down town, a short, little, blonde nurse beside the bed was taking my blood pressure and checking my vitals.

"You alright, dear?" I remember her voice was soft and sweet but she looked exhausted under her bright smile.

"Still a bit nauseas." I said, honestly.

"It's called morning sickness, hun." She gave me a sympathetic look. "You won't be rid of that little guy until the first trimester."

At that moment I began to think of what Ethan would say. He was probably worried sick about me.

"Did you happen to see if there was a guy with me? Sort of long, curly hair? Really tall?"

"Oh of course, sweetheart. We were going to let him know when you woke up."

"He doesn't...exactly know...that I'm pr-"

"Pregnant?" She finished refilling my IV bag. "Would you like us to let him know?"

"No, it's okay. Thanks for the offer but I think I should tell him."

"Would you like me to get him for you?" She moved toward the door but she was only taking off her gloves and washing her hands.

"If you wouldn't mind." I said, selfishly. I know I didn't want to talk to Ethan but I had to.

"Of course not, honey."

While I waited for E, I tried to think over what I was going to say to him. Was I going to blurt it out as soon as he walked in? Or was I going to explain to him what was actually happening?

But as soon as he entered through the door, my train of thought crashed into a wall.

"Baby...are you okay?" He asked, concerned, coming over to grab my face and place a kiss to my forehead. "You scared the fuck out of me."

He looked mentally and physically drained and I could tell he had been crying because of how red and puffy his eye were.

"Yeah, baby, I'm fine." I squeezed his hand and he sat down in the chair next to the bed, giving me maybe a foot of personal space.

"What did the nurse say? She didn't say shit to me and I asked her about 50 times."

"I asked her not to say anything." I said, a bit timid about how he would behave.

"Why not?"

"Because it's something I think you should hear from me."

I could tell he was a bit nervous, his leg shaking the whole floor. "Please tell me its not bad."

I realized I was scared for a totally different reason.

"Remember when I said that we should probably look for a place that has a bit more room? I mean like a place for more than two people?"

He looks at me with a sideways, furrowed glance. "Yeah, and I told you that my brother was not moving in with us."

"And I said that I was talking about a much smaller person."

He still looks confused. "What does that have to do with-"

"E, do you remember when we were talking about how maybe we'd end up using the spare room as something other than an office?"


I try to give him another hint. "What did we decide we were going to turn it into?"

"A gym?"

I give him a look.

"A sex room?"

I mentally facepalm. "WE, Ethan. Not you."

He ponders for a moment before giving me a questionable glance. "A nursery?"

I stare at him for a few seconds before nodding and watch as he slowly puts two and two together.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

I stare down at my hands and try my best not to look at him, waiting for him to get angry or leave or something.

He mumbles incoherently then chuckles softly. "You don't seem very excited, y/n."

I lift my head and meet his eyes. "Are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He furrows his eyebrows once again and I struggle to find an answer to his question. He grins widely. "I couldn't be happier. I love you so much and now we're gonna have a child together, I mean, wasn't this always what we talked about?"

"I just...I mean... I always pictured us being a little older, you know? I don't think I'm prepared quite yet."

He leans into kiss me softly. "Whatever you choose to do, I'll be here, baby. Every step of the way."

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