Louis;Danielle - You Belong With Me.

Start from the beginning

"TO THE LIBRARY!" I shouted in my best announcers voice possible before putting my arms in the superman position and running out of the house with a laughing Louis on my tail as we joined arms and continued down the side walk talking about everythine except for the one subject we both agreed to avoid for different reasons... Sadie.

 Surprisingly i found this whole pretending thing easier then i thought i would considering my feelings but i put it down to all the pretending i'd had to do for so long and that's why once we'd come out of the library and sat down on the bench outside laughing about getting kicked out because of Louis knocking a shelf over and we saw Sadies car pull up i placed a fake smile on my face hoping it wouldn't be noticed but instead of becoming happy Louis' face fell as she motioned him over.

 He looked at me asif to say 'Do-You-Mind-If-I-Go?' A part of me wanted to say stay but i knew i had to do the right thing so i gave him an encouraging smile as he got into the car and i walked off back in the direction of my house holding back the tears that were threatening to fall as they made out right infront of me before driving off into the sunset together. It wasn't until around 6pm that i stopped moping around as i realised that i had agreed to a bleachers game and only had 45 minutes to get there.

 Throwing on my uniform and shouting a quick bye to my mum who was sitting in the lounge watching t.v i dashed out of my front door just in time to see the happy couple drive off together, Ignoring the sinking of my heart i climbed into my own car and made my way to the game where the screams from the crowd could be heard blocks away. As i walked through the crowds people stopped me and would give me a friendly wave or hug before stepping back and allowing me to continue my journey towards my seat that was fast approaching.

 When i got to my seat i was greeted by my bestfriend from the squad Kayley and we did our handshake ending just in time for the countdown to start and our instruments to be raised ready for the anthem we would play for the first 30 seconds of the game and then everytime our side scored, Picking up my trumpet i began to sync myself in with everyone else and before long we were finished as the game went on.

 2 hours later the game finally finished and everyone started to pile out of the stadium saying goodbye to their friends as they passed but i decided to stay behind and wait for Louis who was currently talking to his other friends from the squad Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall. He noticed me and smiled but then that soon turned to a look of shear heartbreak when i followed his gaze and saw the same thing he did, Sadie making out with another member of the squad called Josh.

 As much as i wanted to go down there and rip her head off i knew i had to stand back and let him deal with this on his own so i stayed where i was and watched as he walked over to her and started to shout. He was standing up for himself and i'd never been prouder of him as he told her everything he thought which took her by shock but the next thing he said startled me too, 'It's over' Is all i heard before he walked off in the opposite direction to me and i knew that he wasn't going to be waiting around for a ride.

 I took the hint and drove home by myself pulling up in my driveway a few minutes later and went straight to my room to see if the curtains were open or if the light was on... Neither. Letting out an annoyed sigh i turned out my light after changing into my pyjamas and climbing into bed replaying all of the events from tonight.


 Prying my eyes open i looked at my alarm clock and read the time 10:14am, Today was the day everyone was going to prom but i was going to stay at home and study. Making myself some breakfast i walked back to my bedroom and gathered all the required books into a pile spreading them out on my bed and engrossing myself into the world of studying.

 I heard my parents come home before going back out again and then there was the constant ringing of the phone but they weren't the things that distracted me it was Louis opening the curtain and holding his notepad up to the window holding the message 'you coming tonight?' sighing to myself i grabbed my own notepad off my bedside table and wrote him a message back 'no, studying' his face turned to a look of sadness as he wrote his last message 'wish you were' and that was it his curtain was shut, His light was off and he was gone.

 Looking at the dress hung up on my wardrobe and the note that was now visible through my revison papers i made the biggest decision of my life and put my pen down and getting changed into the dress and curling my hair letting it fall past my shoulders now it had gained some length. My make up was once again natural so grabbing the note i shut off my own light and made my way out of the house and to the car where i drove myself to the prom.

 My hands shook with nervousnes as i walked through the hall doors and all eyes turned to me, I guess it was because no one had ever seen me looking this feminine before and it came as a shock to them but everyone wore smiles as i passed them so i took it they liked this side to me, My eyes scanned the crowd and swiftly locked onto the person i'd come here to see and that was now walking towards me with a smile on his face.. Well that was until she grabbed his arm and now i knew i'd lost my chance.

 I was waiting for the moment when she'd charm him all over again and then they'd kiss and make up as usual then i'd be left here standing like an idiot... But it never came. Instead slow music started to play and he pulled his arm out of her grasp continuing the walk to me much to her annoyance as she stormed off in th direction of Josh. It didn't take Louis long to get to me and i cautiously unfolded the note in my hands preparing for rejection.

 However he reached into his pocket pulling out a similar piece of paper and too unfolded his note revealing the same message 'i love you' As the song neared the end the oh so familar lone that i'd sang so many times before came up and as i decided to sing along i was surprised to hear him singing it too.

"You belong with me"

With that his lips touched mine and the fireworks i'd expected turned into bombs and that's how i knew with him is where i belonged and that's where i intended to stay.

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