no easy way out

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*trigger warning*
(Homophobic slur, physical abuse, descriptions of fear and violence)

as johnny's car pulled in front of jae's house, he could feel his nerves get instantly worse.

even though jae knew they had no possible way of knowing where he'd been, he still had that gut-wrenching feeling that his parents knew. that a boy had kissed him. that he'd kissed back.

he swallowed thickly at the thought of their reactions if they knew. he thought of the intensity of his father's punches and the names his mother would call him.

his lips trembled as he looked down at his hands in his lap. johnny reached over the console between them and gripped his shaking hands in his. he took in a shuddering breath, feeling the older's thumbs rubbing soft circles into his cold skin.

"it's okay, jae . . . they're probably asleep," johnny reassured him. "it's not even twelve yet."

"yeah, i know, but they usually wait on me," he sighed. johnny looked down to catch his eyes. "they have no idea where we were and if they ask . . ."

"i'll say we were at the movie house," jae finished his sentence for him. the other nodded and gave him a small smile.

before they had left the building he had taken him to, johnny had dragged him to the bathroom so they could clean each other up. jae had seen his reflection in the grimy, glitter-covered mirror. seen the black-haired boy's scarlet lips imprinted on his flesh. seen the way his lips had stolen some of the colors and how they had become swollen beneath his lover's. he liked this.

he knew they had no way of knowing. they had covered up any possible evidence. so why was it so hard to leave johnny? so hard to face his parents?

"you got this," the boy whispered, bringing jae's hand to his lips and placing a kiss to each knuckle. the lipstick was washed clean off of the older's lips so they left no mark, but jae would have liked them to. so he had some memory of this night other than the glitter that was scattered throughout his tousled hair.

he nodded and opened the door, sliding out of the car seat.

"i'll pick you up tomorrow, yeah?"

he gave the supportive boy a weak smile before turning and heading up the drive. he remained parked behind jae, watching him make his way to the front door. it was a short walk but it felt like hours before he reached the door and slid his key into the lock. he had nearly dropped the small metal thing because of how hard his hands were shaking.

he pushed the door open and came around the corner. both of his parents sat in their usual places in the living room. nothing out of the ordinary but it still made his heart skip a beat at the sight of them.

"hey mom, hey dad . . . ," he said, thankful his voice didn't shake as hard as his legs were. he clenched his teeth, waiting for a response.

"hey, honey, you're home a little early," his mom spoke sweetly, not looking up from her book.

"yeah . . . the, uh, the movie finished earlier than we thought," jae lied through his teeth.

"we?" his father's voice interrupted. jae winced slightly at the sudden sound. he turned back around as he had begun walking towards his room.

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