Fastening the button Aurora patted down her curls, she could at least try to look the smallest bit presentable. Hearing the phone begin to ring, Aurora slowly started making her way out the room, she wondered the time and who was on the other line. It was only when she heard Tommy answer that she panicked slightly.
What if it was one of her parents?
How would she explain Tommys presence at her house?
"How did you know I was 'ere?" Tommy grunted, his back to Aurora as she stood at the top of the stairs watching him.
Aurora found him very peculiar, he appeared both relaxed and tense, almost like he was happy but ready for something to destroy it. Grabbing the banister to steady herself, Aurora began making her way down the stairs and hearing her footsteps Tommy turned around. Her heart missed a beat as he gave her a quick look over before a smirk slipped onto his face. Tommy didn't appreciate many things outside of family and business but watching the mouse make her way down the stairs, hair wild and messy while wearing his jacket over her slip was a sight to behold, she was a beautiful women.
"Good morning" she mouthed at him with a grin, her eyes shining with happiness.

Coming to sit on the bottom step, Aurora stared up at him as she brought her chin to rest on her knees.
"What was that?" Tommy demanded, finding himself distracted by the brunette, blatantly ignoring Arthur's shouts through the phone.
Aurora could hear Arthur but wasn't sure what was being said, his yells were incoherent and rushed. She didn't like the way it brought a frown to Tommy's face, she wanted to see him relaxed and smirking once again.
Tommy's yell made Aurora flinch in surprise before she let out a sign and stood up, making her way over to Tommy and taking his clenched fist in her hand.
"Listen to me Arthur, Arthur listen! M'coming back now! No! Leave it Arthur, I'll fuckin' deal with it when I'm back!"
With one last curse Tommy slammed the phone down and closed his eyes, shaking his head.
"Tommy are you ok? What's happened?" Aurora questioned quietly, massaging his fist until it came open and softly took hold of her hand.
"I had the day planned for us mouse but plans change and I need to get back to Small Heath" Tommy explained quickly using his other hand to cup the side of her face as it dropped slightly.
"Oh I see......Tommy, you get back home and deal with the issue. I hope everything is ok" Aurora replied sweetly trying to hide the sadness that hit her.
He had planned the day for them yet now it couldn't happen and while she understood why he needed to go, Aurora still felt down. Her mind was spinning with questions and ideas, she wanted to know what they were going to do if he was able to stay.

"I will be back when I can and then we can talk, ey mouse?" Tommy smiled tugging her closer to him causing her arms to wrap around his waist in order to steady herself.
"I'd like that Tommy" Aurora whispered, unable to stop herself from smiling back, the man was infectious.
Pulling her arms off his waist, Tommy leaned down and pressed his lips against her forehead before stepping back and winking.
Giving Aurora one last look over, Tommy turned and walked towards the door.
"Tommy! Your jacket!" Aurora called out but the door had already closed behind him, leaving her stood in the hall, alone once again.
She could go out and give him it, she hadn't heard the car start, yet Aurora found herself not wanting to go outside. She had taken ownership of Tommy's jacket and if he wanted it, he would have to drive back up here. Aurora let out a small laugh at her own expense. Poor Tommy, the man would have nothing left if he continued to see her.

Aurora stood in the hall for a few moments until she was certain he had gone, she found herself missing him already but she could wait for him, her headache on the other hand couldn't wait, she needed to fix it now. Dragging her feet towards the kitchen, Aurora went in search of Fernet, hoping she had some left. It had been a while since she drank as much as she did and she wasn't sure if her medicine stock was there. Upon entering the kitchen Aurora hissed and closed her eyes as the sunlight cast its unforgivable stare on her. Blindly, she walked forwards and reached out, gripping one of the kitchen chairs and quickly placing herself on it.  Rubbing her eyes, she groaned miserably wishing Tommy was still here so she could have him make her a cup of tea while she got herself together. It was while rubbing her eyes that Aurora noticed something.

A Shelby Mistress Where stories live. Discover now