Jamie Benn

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You were having the time of your life with the love of your life. You and Jamie were currently hosting all of his family before the start of preseason in Dallas and you were both loving it. You and Jamie never got to see Jordie and Jessi anymore unless Dallas and Vancouver played each other at the perfect time that the family could all meet up to see the brothers play. The two of you did get to see mama and papa benn more, as well ask Jenny and her family as they were more free to travel during the season. But finally the whole family was gathered in Dallas.

Near the tail end of the Benns invading Dallas, Jamie insisted you host a barbecue inviting all of the players in town and their families over to the house for food and drinks and pool time for some of the kids. You had spent two weeks planning the barbecue, and now you got to relax and hang out with your friends and just watch everyone enjoy themselves.

You found yourself hanging with Jamie like usual at the grille, leaning into his side with a beer in one hand and the other hand scratching cash seguins head as he sat at your feet watching his dad play with his brothers in the pool.

All day you could see a glint in Heather's eyes as she looked at Jordie and Jess interacting with their old friends, and you couldn't help but feel as if there was a scheme brewing as all of the Benns whispered in the corner after eating dinner.

"What is going on?" You whispered suspiciously to Jamie as he came over, bringing you another drink.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to the outdoor seating area. He sat down next to Seggy and pulled you into his lap. You pouted at him scheming without you, and adjusted yourself on his lap and snuggled in to maybe take a nap in the setting sun.

"Hey guys," a voice pulled you out of the haze Jamie and Tyler's conversation had put you in. You looked up to see Jordie standing in front of the gathered crowd with Jess at his side. "I wanted to thank you guys for coming. I know this isn't my gathering or even my home, but I had my northern help me put this all together for a special reason."

You caught on quickly as you saw Jordie turn towards Jess and lower himself to one knee. You shit up on Jamie's lap, feeling his hand tighten on your hip as your hand covered your mouth. You listened as Jordie listed the reasons he loved the woman in front of him, leaning back into Jamie as he wrapped you up in his arms.

"That's gonna be us one day," Jamie states confidently as you both watched Jess say yes and Jordie rose from the ground and everyone cheered. You turned and met Jamie's gaze as tears filled your eyes.

"Really?" You questioned shakily as the brunette smiled and pulled you to lean against his chest.

"Cmon bubs, we're for sure gonna spend the rest fo our lives together," he teased as he leaned down to kiss you softly

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