"Dude, I'm so excited!" Ned shouted beside him.

"At least one of us is," Peter murmured, earning another nudge from MJ.

"Don't be so depressed, it'll be fine," she said, taking badge form Emma.

"You know I can't give it to you," Emma laughed as she gave the last badge to Ned. Of course, Flash noticed and had to comment on it.

"That's unfortunate, Parker. I guess you'll have to wait for us on the bus. But don't worry, I'll still make sure everyone knows you are a liar."

"Oh no, we just don't trust Peter with other badges. After losing five of them, Mr. Hogan almost flew out of his skin," Emma explained, frowning slightly at Flash.

"I can't wait to get Flash down after today," Ned said with a grin as Flash said nothing and turned to his friends.

"Is there a problem?" asked Emma Peter.

"No problem," he replied, and MJ snorted.

"He always says that, but I think you'll see at the end of the field trip that there's a problem."

"Let's get started," Emma said after she gave Peter a last scrutiny look and returned to the head of the group. "The tower formerly known as Stark Tower and Avengers Tower is a high-rise building complex located in Manhattan. Constructed by Tony Stark, the tower was powered by an Arc Reactor that makes it capable of running itself for over a year. Following the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mr. Stark made the tower the main headquarters of the Avengers. However, after the Ultron Offensive, Mr. Stark refurbished an old Stark Industries warehouse upstate into the New Avengers Facility for the Avengers to use as their primary base while Avengers Tower was repurposed for Stark Industries use."

"But you can find all of this on the internet. That's why we prepared a little different program for you today. I heard you came from a school for genius," said Pepper, smiling suddenly beside Emma

"Exactly. Miss Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries will tell you a little bit about the company, and then we'll move to the laboratories. I'm going to prepare everything for you, so behave nicely," Emma said, disappearing into the elevator right away.

"So, just some little facts to keep you from getting bored. Stark Industries is a multinational industrial company and is the largest tech conglomerate in the world. Founded in 1940 by Howard Stark, the elder Stark ran the company from its inception up until his death in 1991, after which Obadiah Stane was appointed interim CEO. With Tony Stark officially assuming the position shortly after at the age of twenty-one. Under Mr. Stark's control, the company flourished financially for nearly two decades; however, when Mr. Stark discovered that Stane was selling our weapons to terrorist groups around the world, such as the Ten Rings, he shut down our lucrative weapons division. If you could follow me to the elevator now, let's move to the labs."

They were all crowded slowly into one elevator, which surprised Peter a bit, but he was more likely to use Tony's private elevator and they were smaller. It should be noted that he was not surprised when they stopped on the floor where he usually worked.

"Your morning program will be that in pairs you will be assigned to our interns and help them with their task today. You have a unique opportunity to experience what it would be like to have a real internship here and in a few years you might have to apply here if you like it today," said Pepper as they entered the lab. Peter watched Emma whisper something to James, who then frowned.

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