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~(Y/N) P.O.V~

I wake up to arms wrapped around me, knowing it was Schlatt. I smile and lightly squirm out of his grasp, and see he is smiling. Still asleep, but smiling. Which is the cutest thing ever, in my opinion.

I decide to make some breakfast for schlatt and I with the food I brought in. I look in the fridge and grab the eggs, bacon and the pancake batter I made last night.

I start by getting two pans out, and one big flat one for the pancakes.I get a stick of butter and butter all of the pans. I don't know what Jason prefers, I want this to be a surprise for him so I crack three eggs into a cup to furiously whisk.

I pour them onto a pan and hear the sizzle, I love that noise.
I slap some fucken bacon onto a pan, and then pour out some pancake batter. I multitask everything for a while and get some plates and put some pancakes, eggs, and bacon onto a plate.

I pour some milk into a glass and set the table. I go to wake up jason, and he is not there. I start to look around and notice that his recording room is closed and I hear faint talking.

I smile and creak open the door and he snaps his head at me. I realize that schlatts chair is big boi He writes something in a notebook and turns it to me and it says in big bold letters:


I nod and sit down behind him. He continues talking to chat while playing some city skylines, I try to keep quiet. Enjoying Schlatt yelling, and hitting his desk.

He keeps looking behind him and stares at me with a blank stare while I scroll on the #Jschlatt insta page. I look at all of the edits on there of him. I smile as I screenshot more images of this boy. I realize I made breakfast so I whisper in his ear that

"Brekky is ready schlatty ~"

he nods at me and puts his 'be right back' on screen. He mutes his mic and I challenge him to a race. We sped down the steps and of course I trip down the steps.

"SHIT FUCK COCK AND BALLS" As I thud down those long steps

Before I hit the ground J snapped his head around and caught me. So I was luckily safe

"Thank you J-"

"You know what they call me?"

" what Schlatt? " I sigh

"They call me the safe boi"

"Ok J"

He smiles at me and we set down. Luckily, the breakfast was still warm so we enjoyed and told me he was going to end his stream so we could hang out.

"Oh no it's fine-"

"I disagree"

I let him win, and I go change as I hear:

"Guys look I know but I have to go and if you can't deal with it fuck off."

I finish getting dressed and walk out to be immediately greeted by Schlatt. I smile at him, I start to clean up the dishes and feel a presence behind me. I tense as a feel a hand placed on my shoulder. I turn around and a smiling Schlatt is looking at me.

I laugh and decide that we should go do our things which he disagreed to. But he wanted to go to ikea to help me look the place nice which I agree to since I have the money for that, luckily.

I always noticed how cute his ears are. It's weird but they are kinda cute. I grab my wallet, and J locks the doors as we leave.

"Still can't believe you have a tesla model s"

"I greatly appreciate being able to have this car."

He smiles at me and we hop in. I start the car and we pull out of the driveway. I check and see I have enough charge. Luckily, I don't waste a lot of money.

becauseause of solar panels that are being installed today. I know it may add onto stuff but its better I guess. We finally reached IKEA and Schlatt has to make a comment

"It is really cool that they made this after pewdiepie started his Minecraft series"

I laugh and I lock my car and we head inside. Schlatt immediately lights up and grabs my hand as drags me along with him. We look for a stand for my t.v cause mine is ass. We find one that is pretty cheap. Well, for one stand with places to hold cable.

"I can't wait to link my wii to this"

Schlatt keeps a straight face and snickers. I snap my head at him and write the name and price down. I wanted to make my bed look a little nicer so we went into some little places where it was like a staged house.

I wanted to get one for schlatt as well just in case when he visited. I roamed for a while and asked if they had anything like 'galaxy' or 'Minecraft '. Yes I did ask and they nodded. Me and Schlatt were excited.

She led us into the back and showed us. I picked the creeper set. And a solid black set and so did J. We go up to pay and we got help with the tv stand. We loaded it into the back with some struggle.

We wiped our heads in sweat. Well fake sweat. I sigh as I look at my phone


I hop into the passenger seat and Schlatt tries to open it. He gets to the other side and starts talking

"Wha- Why"

"You can drive you have a drivers license J"

"I might need a little help."

" I am here to give it to you. "

"Ok um..."

I show him how to do everything and he drives around the parking lot a little bit and we start driving home. I am excited to bring everything in. I turn to Schlatt to see him relaxing.

We finally get home and I help carry in the stand

" 3...2......1... Uhhhgg" we say in unison

After we bring everything in, I sit on the couch. I turn to Schlatt, seeing as we are both tired. Before I drift into my nap I say


" Yeah" he replies groggy

"I am always here for you. No matter what ok? Remember that "

"I am here for you as well, I shall try my best."

I lay down and stare at the ceiling.

"Have fun nap (Y/N)"


" You know what they call me? "


" The good boi"

"Ok J"

I literally cant anymore so here it is. I am so tired it hurts me to keep my eyes open night everyone and try to stay happy :)

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