I Love You Too

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They started their day off as normal, Darryl waking up at like 7:00 and Zak waking up at about 10:00. Its been somewhere around 3 weeks since Zak has moved in with Darryl, and they have gotten a lot closer. Darryl thinks that Zak is getting a little soft because he hasnt been trolling as often, and when he did, he repeated or didnt go as hard. Zak, on the other hand, was confused. He had a feeling inside him whenever he talked to Darryl but he didn't know what it was.
Sure they are really good and close friends, but both of them felt something when they were near eachother.

{Zak pov}

As i finished trolling Bad and got him back to his happy self, we bothed laughed and stopped recording, but then he came into my room, and we kinda just sat there in silence. It was a comfortable silence though, knowing that Darryl was in the room with me.
"Well i guess i will be heading out now, but if yo-" I cut him off. "I-I love y-you" "What!?" "Ahh never mind, get out of my room!" "What, no, tell me what you said" Darryl wouldnt go and so i had to forcefully push him out the door. I slammed the door closed and began to tear up. I sat on my bed and just cried. I guess Darryl heard me because the next thing i heard was "Zak? Zak are you ok, can i come in?" I said no but i heard the doorknob, i forgot to lock it, I thought. "Zak! What's wrong?!" I heard Darryl say as he rushed over to me. He sat right next me on my bed, i blushed because he had put his hand on my back, then my knee. Just his touch is enough to make me fall for him. I couldnt speak through my tears. He pulled me into a tight hug, and i hugged back not releasing my grip. I didnt want him to let go. Darryl moved his arms from around my head to around my waist and said "Its ok Zak, Let it all out. Im here for you. What's wrong?" In a soothing voice, which actually made me soften my sobbing. "I-i-I love y-you. I have had a crush on you for a while, since we became friends actually. I was just way to nervous to tell yo-" "I love you too." Darryl said with a voice as soft as an angel. "What, you do?!" I whispered, my voice cracked as i did so, which made us both laugh. "Of course I do! You muffin!" We both released our grip to look eachother in our tear filled eyes. I leaned in, he leaned, and just like that we kissed.

Sorry if that was cringe or anything
Im bad at fitting what could be a whole book into 5 hundred words or so. Anyways hope you enjoy!

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