Chapter 3: Takeda's Old Adversary

Start from the beginning

Tetsuo and Iro are now rushing towards Takeda. He was looking at them to see who was closer. Since they were moving at the same speed, he couldn't tell who was closer.

So he just dodged their attacks and I gave Neeko the signal to do a barrage on Takeda. So I jumped up in the air and Neeko fired his arrows. Takeda saw me in the air, so he went up to me to try and touch me on the arm.

And then, he was suddenly in front of me and touched me on the arm. I then went back down and I then went to the others.

Crow's POV:

We saw what happened. The others were really surprised at Takeda tagging Jo on the arm. Then she went over to us. I noticed a bit of a red hue on her face. I was concerned of what it was.

Jo then sat next to me and I asked her "Hey, why's your face red?".

"I-it's nothing" Jo replied.

I then shrugged it off and continued to watch the spar. It's just Iro, Tetsuo and Neeko left against Takeda.

Then Tetsuo rushed at Takeda and he rushed at him.

Tetsuo swinged his mace at Takeda and he dodged it and did a counter on Tetsuo.

He tried to kick Tetsuo but he blocked it with his mace. Then he swung his mace again and Takeda blocked it with his katana and kicked Tetsuo.

He was then helped up by Takeda and went over to us.

"He really is strong" he said.

"That's our leader!" I cheered.

It was just down to Neeko and Iro against Takeda. Iro rushed at him with his staff to try and hit him. He dodged it then he rushed to Neeko.

Neeko was nervous. I have an ability to sense nervousness so I can tell who's nervous and who's not. He was shaking while he aimed his bow at Takeda. He fired the arrow and Takeda dodged it and hit Neeko in the face.

That must've hurt because he was moving while he focused on hitting Neeko. Anyways, Takeda then helped Neeko up and Neeko went over to us. He was surprisingly not mad at all, even though he was punched in the face. Now it was just down to Iro against Takeda.

Iro is... how should I say this? A bit impulsive I guess is the most appropriate word for him.

Iro then called out to Takeda "Hey, you left me for last. You think I'm the strongest right?".

Takeda then said immediately in response "Not really, I usually leave the weakest for last".

Some of us laughed, but I just giggled.

Then Iro was mad at him saying "You're going to regret calling me weak".

Takeda then replied "Try me".

Then Iro rushed at Takeda then he dodged it. Iro did a continuous wave of attacks and Takeda just casually dodges or blocks them.

Then Takeda did a counter by kicking him but Iro blocked it with his staff. Then they were attacking and dodging each other's attacks. It was very interesting to watch and the others were interested too. This just went on for 5 minutes straight.

Then Iro was a bit tired but Takeda was nowhere near tired. So he used this opportunity to kick him. So he did and Iro didn't block this time. He fell to the ground on his back.

Takeda offered his hand to help Iro up but he refused it and stood up on his own. Then he went to us, feeling frustrated.

Master Enoki was watching and he's impressed at Takeda's skills. He said "Master Oda really taught you well. I have never seen anyone manage to deal with many foes at once".

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