s i x t y f i v e

Start from the beginning

"Come on." Chase mutters before picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and keep my head against his shoulder, feeling myself becoming sleepier by the second. Chase walks across the room, one arm under my butt to support my waist and the other caressing the top of my back. He then enters the bathroom and sets me down on the edge of the bathtub. 

He turns on the running water, allowing the pristine white tub to fill with water. Chase kneels down in front of me and places his palms on my knees. I got flashbacks from the night of the halloween party. Most of it was blurry, but I remembered this. I remembered him caring for me even though I was shit-faced drunk and he was most definetly still pissed at me. 

"Arms up." He instructs softly and I do as he says. With my arms above my head, Chase peels my sweaty t-shirt, which was technically his, from my body and over my head. Next he pulls down my underwear, the only thing left on my body and places a kiss to my hip bone as he does so. 

He places my clothes in the hamper near the door and I wrap my arms around myself. I smile at Chase's back, "You're amazing." 

"Huh?" He questions with a slight grin, closing the lid of the hamper and turns around to face me. 

"I said you're amazing. This isn't some boost to your ego, I just wanted you to know how fucking amazing you are." I explain as he walks towards me, his smile growing softer, "And I'm not the only one who thinks that, everyone thinks—" 

He places a kiss to the top of my head, "Thank you, Hayden." 

Chase then helps me into the bath. I was still pretty bruised up from the crash and it was a struggle but we got there eventually. I let my body relax under the hot water, letting it continue to fill up the bath as Chase quickly sheds his clothes. His bandages had lessened and there was now just white gauze over his bullet wound. 

I move forward as he slips in behind me and turns off the faucet. His knees come up either side of me and I rest back into his chest. This was so damn relaxing and calming. I sigh out as I run my fingertips over the surface of the water, so thankful that I was here. A small laugh escapes my lips. 

"What are you giggling about?" Chase questions as he presses a quick kiss to the skin of my shoulder. 

"It's just funny to think that I'm here because I let a pancake cook for too long...as well as the fact that the school hadn't checked their ovens in ten years." I explain as Chase's runs his fingers up and down my bicep, "I can't believe I use to hate you." 

Chase pulls his lips from my skin, "Hate me?"

"Mhmmm. Well, to be fair you were an asshole to me from the second I met you." I explain cheekily with a nod. 

"That's because you were so hot yet so fucking infuriating at the same time." Chase chuckles, the vibrations of his chest transferring through my back, "I never did tell you what went through my mind when I first saw you, passed out on the empty bed in the dorm room." 

I shake my head, "No, I don't think you did." 

"Well...you were in kind of an awkward position, with your body facing one way and your head the other. You mouth was slightly agape and you shirt had ridden up all the way to your bra line." Chase explained and I couldn't' help but cringe at the vivid image. I always had been kind of a violent sleeper. "You were a mess yet my pulse started to race. You were so fucking beautiful...and then you opened your mouth." 

I throw my head back against him and let out a loud laugh, "So romantic!" 

"I missed that laugh." Chase laughs behind me as I reach up and wrap my hand around the back of his neck. I tilt my own neck down and turn my face so I was staring up at him. He smiles, "What?"

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