Chapter Ten

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Sorry This Is A Short Chapter!! :(

Chapter Ten

Tyler's P.O.V

Where am I? What is this place? Why am I Here? How did I get her? Why me?...

"Well look who decided to wake up" A strange but familiar voice said

"who's there? why am I here? please let me go" I reply pulling on the ropes restraining me

"Your here because yet again your brother owes me some money and your his only weakness he needs to learn a lesson on paying up"

"What do you mean? my brother doesn't owe any money! Trenton will be looking for me! he will find me"

"Thats what im counting on, mind you there wont be much of you left once he gets her" he said laughing like a maniac

The tears started falling what does he mean 'wont be much of you left'?

Panic took over my body, I couldn't breath, I started sweating.

What has trenton done?

I felt warm hands on my shoulders, breathing on my neck then words being whispered in my ear "sit back and relax this wont hurt.....much"

Feeling a sharp pain across my face and a warm liquid running down my face i fall into the darkness.

Trent's P.O.V

I can't believe it! It wasn't tyler in her bed

My stomach turned at the thought of what was going on

I know who took my sister but I can't tell the police that

I have to do this myself

"Sir do you know how Miss Wilson got into your sisters bed?" the police officer asked me pulling me out of my thoughts

"No I don't, I came home early hours of this morning checked on my sister well what I thought was her and to me she was asleep, then when I woke up around 2 I walked into her room and realised she was dead, I didn't realise it wasn't my sister til my bestfriend adam pointed out"

"Okay do you know if your sister was in trouble? badboy exs? in to drugs?"


"No my sister isn't that sort of person, are we done with all the questions I want my sister found"

"Okay sir, the body has been removed and forensic are nearly finished so we will be out of your hair shortly. If we find any new evidence or get a lead we will let you know straight away. thank you"

he held out his hand for me to shake it

"Yeah thanks, just find my sister please" I shook his hand and he left

I just want the to go away so I can start looking for my sister myself! I know who's got her I just dont know where!!

Adam hasn't spoke at all he is in shock but he needs to snap out of it because we need to get tyler back!

I've never known adam to cry but when he realised what had happened to tyler he broke down begging me to forgive him and that he loves her and that he will never forgive himself if he can't make things right with her.

I feel bad for adam but he needs to pull himself together it's my sister I haven't got another one!

He can go out and find another girl! I cant find another sister!

I walked over to adam and sat next to him on the sofa he was just staring that the blank t.v screen

"Adam the police and that will be gone soon we need to think how we are gunna get tyler back"

he didn't even move or blink!


"ADAM! for fuck sake man pull yourself together this is my sister whether you love her or not I should be the one sat like you but I'm not! your sister is safe, she's at home safe! and where's my sister? who fucking knows and she will be hurt! and she is deffinately not safe!! so fix up or fuck off and don't come back here again!" I yelled at him

He finally moved his head and looked at me I could see the hurt in his eyes but right now I didn't care what he thinks or feels!

"I'm sorry man, I just can't stop thinking about everything, why would they go after sarah kill her and then take tyler? I hate the way the police are calling sarah miss wilson! she was our friend one of tyler's bestfriends and now shes dead and it's beause of us! now tyler's been taken!" he finally spoke back after about 5 minutes of staring

I could see his eyes glazing over with tears as he spoke.

I pulled him into a hug I dont care if I'm male and cuddling a man this was my bestfriend and he needs me!

"It's cool just dont freeze up like that anymore, I need you! we need to make a plan on how to get her back! maybe if we rang jordan direct he will negotiate or something"

adam pulled back from me looking confused

"what do you mean ring jordan?"

"well he is the one that has tyler"

"no he don't trent did you forget jordan's in prison and his right hand man took over"

"oh yeah shit I forgot but who's his right hand man?"


when he spoke his name my stomach twisted I completely forgot about him!

OMG he has my sister and he is a sick man

I need to do something now!


Hey guys sorry for this short chapter but i've got a huge case of writers block I even had trouble remembering peoples names and it's my story! :( I will get back to writing when I can think straight again :) thanks for reading :D

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