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You were drawing on your tablet when you got a sudden text from Totty who said that you were invited to a " party" which was a little unusual for them to even be having a party. But since you haven't seen them in awhile you decided to go. On you're way there you spotted ESP kitty who seemed to be sleeping, it was too cute but you didn't want to disturb him so you left but quickly took a quick picture and left. You knocked on the door and you saw Osomatsu there with a big goofy smile. " Hey (y/n) glad you came over. Oh we got something special for you but you've gotta keep those eyes closed." You closed them as you sat down. It was like a birthday party when they say close your eyes and make a wish, you could hear them giggling and what you only assume clothes being moved or taken off. " Okay you can open them." Osomatsu says as he grins. You saw the boys naked......Wait Naked?! " W-Why did you all get u-undressed?! I thought you said this was gonna be a party, Totty!" You yelled as you tried to cover your eyes and tried your hardest not to look at there dicks. " It is a party well more of a naked party since today is a special day just for you~" Todomatsu said with a smirk. " What are you talking about? It's not my birthday yet and why are you getting so close to me Osomatsu? Get back! You're naked!" Osomatsu gets closer to your face and removes your hands away from your face. " Heh, like what you see? (Y/n) since you're a virgin and we're virgins then why don't we have sex. I mean first we'll tell what our kinks are then we'll ravages you." You were gonna have a nosebleed from this. "O-Okay what's you all kinks?"
Everyone: Daddy kinks!
You: What!? D-Daddy kink?!
Karamatsu: You see my rose, we may have different ways and personalities but we have one thing in common.
You: Karamatsu, please get from by me I can't stop staring at your cock...
Karamatsu: Heh, it seems my muscular body has turned you on~ Allow me to fix that.
You: N-No that's not what I meant!
Choromatsu: Oh? Then what did you mean then (y/n)?
You: L-Look as much as w-want to stay I um...have work tomorrow!
Ichimatsu:...It's just only 1:00 in the afternoon you still got time.
You: Uh...go get groceries! Hehe...
Jyushimatsu: Are you stalling, (y/n)?
You: N-No Jyushi! I just need to um go to the bathroom! Y-Yeah to um wash up a little because I've had a long-
Todomatsu: You just got off of work not too long ago, you've texted me two hours ago saying that you were gonna stay at home and rest or watch a movie, and that you might visit us later on today. So basically Jyushimatsu's right you are stalling.
You: T-That's n-not true! I-
Karamatsu: You don't like our surprise, do you?
You: That's not it I-
Osomatsu: Well aren't you being rather rude (y/n). Daddy doesn't like rude girls, looks like we're gonna have to punish you~
You: *GULP* Shit...

~Punishment Time~
Ichimatsu had your hands cuffed, gagged, blindfold, and on all fours. This was so embarrassing, it was like being watched by horny fucks in a strip club only worse.
Osomatsu: Don't you look beautiful?
You: * Fuck you Osomatsu*
Karamatsu: Heh, I heard that (y/n).
You: ! * How the hell can he hear me?!*
Karamatsu: Now let me put you on my lap and get this started.
Ichimatsu: Shit Shittymatsu you made sure ass rather red, don't you think? It's as red as a tomato.
Karamatsu: Well this is her punishment, I mean I can do much worse.
You managed to punch Karamatsu in the face. Big mistake.
Karamatsu: Big mistake darling, now you've brought dark side of me out. I'll make sure it's a crimson red till I see blood dripping. Hehe.....hehe

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