As amusing as it would be to see how the intern would react to being attacked by the madam general, however, they had a schedule to keep.

"Well then," Billion spoke turning to the other three again. He smoothed out nonexistent wrinkles from his impeccable coat. "I expect everyone on their best behavior." He eyed General Mattson harshly. "We are going to meet a very important man and the other world leaders after all."

Stanford's eyes widened. "The world leaders?" The elder spoke with disbelief. "How do you plan on getting them to cooperate?"

The entity chuckled again more entertained now. "You will soon see." He took the lead, walking alongside the fencing. Dipper tore his gaze away from the national monument, following the alien in an almost mindless manner ahead of the other three humans. It was as if the young adult was under some sort of spell, or mind control, perhaps he even agreed with the aliens' plan wholeheartedly. Whatever it was, it caused many mixed feelings in his fellow species as they were forcefully nudged onward behind them.

The seemingly endless miles the group walked up the main path to the national monument was silent aside from Billion merrily whistling the national anthem. He revelled in the meticulous planning that was finally coming to life, the soon to come waves of panic and chaos then followed by order and clarity. But mostly the panic and chaos of his future subjects, that prospect almost had him purring.

But what if there were more humans like him? The thought hit him like a sugar crash, his footing nearly lost. His eyes snapping to the right edges of their sockets where the intern followed off to the side behind him silent, expectantly.

More humans like Mason Pines? No fear, no worry, not even a hint of concern? It was unnerving - intriguing - it pissed him off. What would it take to get that simple human to show pure terror, Billion wondered. It would only take a simple touch to get into his mind.

Two guards approached them as the group reached the white sandstone steps. The guard on the right raised a hand in a sign for them to stop.

"Sorry sirs and ma'am, the tours have ended for today." He spoke firm but polite.

Billion's grin returned quickly, flashing only a sliver of his sharp teeth. "No, no, gentlemen," he chuckled throatily. "I have an appointment with Mr. President coming up shortly." He ungloved his left hand and offered it to the guard. "Cryptos Billion, I run a major tech company. A pleasure~"

The guard eyed Billion professionally, eyes unreadable behind formal black sunglasses. "I wasn't aware President Donaldson was expecting a representative from a tech company." He said, not raising his hand to meet the entity's.

Had the guards been alerted already?

The alien dropped his hand slowly, grin never leaving his face. "Last second appointment." He answered. "I'm honestly impressed my secretary could move around my schedule, though of course the Big Man must take top priority." Billion replaced the glove over his hand. "After all, everyone deserves the best security and complete privacy." He added with emphasis. "Absolute security."

Then, the guard on the left, who has been silent the entire time, turned, raising his pistol to his partner's head. Billion leaned forward to the guard on the right, reading his name tag.

" 'Richard.' " He read aloud, sounding out the name a bit exaggerated. "Good name." Billion nodded leaning back. "I bet people call you Dick when you're off shift." He removed his glove again, this time flexing his long and slender fingers, his skin glittering a yellow hue. "I'd much rather not make this any more messy than it already is, Richard." He offered his hand again, eyes taking on a threatening glow. "Join the Revolution."

'Richard' was motionless for several moments, his Adam's Apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. Slowly, hesitantly, he lifted his bare hand to Billion's exchanging the handshake.

It happened slowly, only to be described as an invasion of the body. The man's eyebrows rose to the hairline of his military haircut, his jaw slacked as he gasped, the tendons in his neck tightened pressing blue veins against the thin layers of flesh. He gave a breathy wheeze like a man drowning, heavily shaking as he struggled to stay standing but his knees were giving out nonetheless.

The other four humans watched, all eyes widen in different stages of shock and/or fear. Watching the guard attempt to keep himself but forcefully losing his will.

The alien before them grew even taller, standing close to seven feet, as the guard dropped completely to his knees with a final grunt.

Paler than the white steps, Richard stood after a moment. His face empty of any emotion like his partner, who had put away his weapon, and Billion's two companions behind the group.

Billion released the man's hand and again tugged the glove over it. "Now," he began nonchalantly, tucking his hands into his coat pockets. The entity turned to look over his shoulder at his entourage, facial features seeming sharper than before, the cold blue irises of his eyes taking over the white. "Onward and upward~" He sung, eyeing each of them with a mad glint in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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