tHe BuLlY 😔🤚

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it's my fIrSt week of sChOol and i already have a bUlLy 🤩😔 his name is kAlEb he might hurt mE and stuff but he's hAwT 🥵

i walk down the sChOoL hallway as nO oNe notices me cuz im a nObOdY yk 😍 i open my lOcKeR but all of a sUdDeN im on the fLoOr i look up to sEe who pushed me and it's no other than kAlEb ZaNe OrChArD 😩

"i LiKe bUlLyInG yOu 😍" he sAiD and threw all my sTuFf in the lOcKeR to the ground 😔🤚

"wHy wOuLd YoU dO tHat 😢" i aSkEd but he only lAuGhEd 😖

"cUz I wAnT tO" he said i started cRyInG and ran out of the sChOoL and went back hOmE

"wHaT's WrOnG sWeEtIe" my mom aSkEd

"nOtHiNg" i said as tEaRs kept running dOwN my face 😭

"oK" my mom said i was tHaNkFuL that she didn't nOtIcE 😳

i went uP to my room but bEfOrE i even got tHeRe the door bell rAnG

"y/N iT's FoR yOu HoNeY" my mom yelled for me to hEaR i went to see wHo it was and i gAsPed

"kAlEb WhA- wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg HeRe" i asked cOnFuSeD

"cAn We TaLk FoR a LiTtLe" he aSkEd

"uM yEaH sUrE" i said and wEnT out closing the dOoR behind me

"wHaT dO yOu WaNnA tAlK aBoUt" i asked hIm

"i- I lIKe YoU" he said 🤭

"bUt- BuT yOu BuLlY mE 😱" i said sHoCkEd

"iK bUt I dId It Bc I dIdNt KnOw HoW tO tElL yOu" he said gUiLtYlY

"oMg WoW" i didnt kNoW what to say

"iK yOu StiLl HaTe Me CuZ aLl I hAvE dOnE iS hUrT yOu 😞" he said

"nO i DoNt HaTe YoU i LiKe YoU tOo 😍" i said

"rEaLlY 😮" he asked

"yEs 🤩" i aNsWeReD

"PlZ bE mY gF 😘" kaleb aSkEd

"oFc I wIlL ☺️" i said

and then we lIvEd happily ever aFtEr

since kaleb asked for more
here it is luv :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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