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'I'm beginning to begin to fall in love'🎼🎼🎼

Im so sorry for the late update, things got hectic at school but I'll Insha Allah find time for Wattpad. XOXO❤️🌹

"I cant stop him from planning anything, you know that. He's the father here" Saad said. "I know you can't but if you're there, things might get better" Hameed answered hoping he would say yes. "I'm going with her but we need to take preventive measures" Hameed stared at no where in particular for a while.

"You know what?" He spoke up breaking the silence. Saad looked up at him. "She's not going to Kano then, there's no use if its not safe for her" He said sitting down. "He knows they are on break" Saad answered referring to his father.

"Tell him you signed her up for summer classes" Saad smiled. "That's understanding, but where's she going to stay?" He knows that's not going to be a problem to Hameed but he does not want her to stay alone or at any hotel.

"What happened to the hostel?" Hameed questioned. "She said most of them are gone for the break and the hostel's too boring" He answered back almost immediately. "That's not going to be a problem Insha Allah, I'll make her friends with Safiyya" 

Saeed's phone broke the silence. "She's calling,I'm sure she's not going to be happy about not going back, she's packed already" He dialed back and she picked on the third ring. "Yaya I'm still waiting" Her voice came through.

"You can't go back Ameena, am sorry" He answered. He heard her sigh. " I'm sorry, you can go any other time but not now" He said again. "C'mon Yaya, all my friends are gone" She pleaded. "I can't believe you want to go back to that house" Saad said. Yes she doesn't want to go back but everyone she's friends with left.

Hameed gestured he wants to speak to her so Saad handed the phone to him. He salaamed.
"I'm still mad at you" Her voice came, he smiled. "Oh C'mon, I thought we've settled" She didn't respond so he spoke again. "Fine I'll make it up to you and I'm so sorry you can't go back home...." She didn't let him land. "It's okay" She gently answered. "Safiyya wants to meet you today, i hope you're free"

"Sure" She is finally going to meet the very nice Safiyya that sends her gifts. "What are you going to be doing then?" "I dont know, maybe I'll just watch something, Oceans 8 maybe" She sigh "Goodbye then, Take care of yourself for me" With that, the call ended. She looked at the trolley beside her and heaved a sigh. She has to un pack, doing that didn't take much of her time. Her phone rang when she was making her bed again.

It was Safiyya. From the voice, Ameena automatically knew who she's about to meet, a very cheerful person. She told her she would be there at 3 so she FaceTimed Rahma. Rahma is her Uncle's daughter. Uncle Liman, her father's only brother who died of Lungs cancer six years ago. They attended the same secondary school. They were very close that time but when Uncle Liman passed away, their mother took her and her younger brother Muhseen back to Yola with her.

She saw Rahma last when she begged Mama to let her go to Yola for Rahma's wedding. 'Their mother doesn't want you to bother them' but Mama kept saying that. At last, she let her go for the wedding. Now that Rahma didn't answer the FaceTime, she thought she should really give them the space they want.

She finally took a warm shower and dressed up in a maroon Stella McCartney gown, dabbed a little powder, kohl and some lip gloss, combed her hair down and tied her scarf. It took her minutes to finish up and Safiyya finally arrived. Just as she thought, Safiyya is a cheerful person.

She brought her a beautiful gift bag with alot of chocolates in it. Is this girl a gift ninja or something? Ameena thought. She sends her gifts like every week.

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