4/4 Beat

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I was never a drummer so I would never know,
I was never a dancer that's why I couldn't flow,
I can sing, yes just humm and sing
But that 4/4 beat, I dunno what you're saying.
I was surprised, thanks for inviting me that night
You know what, Dude you look so cool & bright!
I can see you shining w/ every song you're singin'
Uh yeah..You seem too far from where I am standing..
Oh another thing, Thanks for the drum lessons too!
Yeah sure I enjoyed it, spending my time with you..
But Dude, I'm telling you I can't decipher that 4/4 beat
What the heck does that mean? I can't seem to meet!
Geez, stop asking questions about my heart!
What? Dude you're not a doctor either since the start.
Eh,now why are you making that annoyed look?
Seriously, you're too complicated than the math book!
Hey, Are you kidding me? Why are you ignoring me?
With that stupid "beat" thingy you'll forget thee?
Shut up! enough with that riddle of yours!
Say it clearly and stop being the worst.
Wait, wait what's this? A Drum?!
Inside my chest---wait another strum..
EH?!! Something weird is happening dude!
The beating of my heart is now completely rude!
It's a 4/4 beat everytime I see you..
It's out of control when I touch you..
Huh?! This is the "beat" thing you say?!
Tch! There's no way I'll say I like you! Whatever the circumstances may!!

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