Breaking The Rules...

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A few weeks later. Delilah was hanging out with Ed and Ticks... But no John. She looked around nervously. Then asked Ed.
"Uh... Where's John?" She asked, going red.
Ed, completely blind to Delilah's crush on John Replied:
"Uh... He'th hanging out with that Mary girl. It'th kinda oviouth that he'th got a cruth on her." The boy replied. While Ed's Heart was in the right place, he wasn't exactly the brightest. Delilah felt a wave of jealousy go over her.
"W-w-what. Repeat that again Ed..." she replied.
"He'th hanging out with that Mary girl?"
"No, the second thing."
"Uuuhhh... He'th got a cruth on her?"Ed said. Delilah was about to say something when John walked through the door. Looking redder than ever. He plonked down next to Ed. Buring his head in his hands.
"You OK John?" Ed asked.
"No." was the only response that he got...
"Y-you wanna tell us about it?" Delilah asked,blushing.
John took his hands off his face. Delilah looked at him,he was redder than a tomato.
"W-well, I might have a small crush on Mary, but I keep acting like a fool in front of her..."
Delilah was practically drowning in jealousy.
Ticks had skipped over to John and hugged him. Letting out a barking sound.
"Thanks boy..." John said, patting Ticks on the head gently.
"Hey, why don't you athk your brother? He got that girl oneth..." Ed suggested.
John stood up. Thanking Ed and walking off.
Later that night. While in her containment cell. Delilah looked over at Ticks.
"While Ed and John are oblivious to my crush... You know about it... Right boy?" She asked. Throwing him a biscuit.
Ticks had a good think about it, and did something he rarely did. Talk:
"Ah, Dwi'm yn wybod fy mhrimd i... " The small dog said in a Welsh accent.

Ahhh I don't know my friend...

Delilah, stunned by Ticks voice. Replied
"Y-you can talk?"
Ticks gave her a questioned look at made his usual dog sounds. Delilah sighed... She stood up. Ticks looked up at her. Delilah sighed and stood up. Ticks jumping up on her back. Delilah smirked.
"You wanna break some rules boy?" She said. Ticks didn't even have a chance to reply, she turned into a hippopotamus and bust the door wide open before turning back into herself and running off...

To be continued...


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A. N:
Hey guys. Sorry that I haven't updated in a while...
The next chapter should be up tomorrow..
Stay tuned!

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