i LoVe YoU 😍😍😻😻🌸🌸💞💕🌸

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kaleb is my bEsT fRiEnD and i always have had a cRuSh on him but never tOlD him 😍 but i'll today

he was sitting nExT to me so i just fAcEd him and said "kAlEb i HaVe sOmEtHiNg tO tElL yOu" he turned to mE and sAiD "wHaT iS iT gO aHeAd"

i took a deep breath and said "i LoVe YoU kAleB i KnOw yOu dOnT fEeL ThE sAmE wAy 🤧" he sUrPrIsEd me by sAyInG "oH mY gOd i LoVe YoU tOo iVe LoVeD yOu sInCe wE fIrsT mEt 😻"

*28 years later"

who would've tHoUgHt id marry my bEsT fRiEnD that i had a cRuSh on 😍😍 but i dId and now we have 69 kIdS and we are vErY happy with our lIvEs 🥵


this is completely just a joke djhdhd i just wanted to do it since i saw that tweet so :3 and ✨ cringe ✨

Kaleb Zane OrchardWhere stories live. Discover now