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City lights lit up the midnight streets, cars rolling around on the concrete roads creating little sprays of water, the city was peaceful at night, it was quiet and it all felt surreal, it was beautiful really, the tall and short buildings flicking off their lights one by one like fireflies in the distance, mesmerising almost, the stars twinkled and the moon was high in the sky, it made Sua think to herself.

What the fuck was she doing at work at this time on a Friday night?

Sua sighed shaking her hand that was cramping up before she scribbled it once more across the front page of a stack of papers, agreeing to yet another business agreement.

She shook her head, locks of her shoulder length hair fell behind and in front of her shoulders messily, slipping the thick black rimmed glasses off her face she closed her eyes briefly feeling her eyes tingle but opened them hearing a quiet tap on her office door.

"Miss Ahn, I've finished the paperwork for your meeting tomorrow with the Lee's" Her personal assistant said walking into the room and making his way towards her desk and carefully placing a stack of papers on top of another .

Her desk was covered , not one single inch left uncovered, Sua always rolled her eyes staring at it but not bothering to clean or go through most of them.

"Thank you but I thought I told you to go home 2 hours ago Renjun " The female yawned slightly causing the boy to yawn as well, the pair giggled.

Sua was honestly grateful for her assistant, Renjun was amazing at his job and Sua didn't even want to imagine what she would do without him, Renjun's main job was to assist her, whether it's putting together paperwork for her upcoming meetings, organising and scheduling these meetings and if it wasn't for the boy, Sua would have probably just been living off coffee and energy drinks.

Renjun was only 19 and Sua had made a great risk hiring a fresh out of highschool student but she saw something in him and now 6 months into the future she had no regrets.

"I know, you told me not to overwork myself, but I swear it was for a good reason, also I just wanted to make sure you didn't go home late again boss" Renjun defended himself, Sua sighed knowing he had a point.

Renjun loved his job, he loved his boss, he loved his colleagues and he loved doing the things he does, his boss was lovely, she would always make sure to tell Renjun to get him something when he goes to get her lunch on her and he always got little bonuses and had a couple advantages when it comes to his job.

"Thank you for caring about my wellbeing Renjun, but I'm 22 now, I think I can look after myself" Sua smiled pushing herself out from under her desk and stretching her legs out.

"You can go now Renjun, I'm leaving now if that's what you're waiting for" Sua smiled at the boy who was standing in the middle of her office rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Yes , yes it is , Renjun 1 , Boss 0" Renjun laughed turning around , Sua shook her head playfully standing from her place and stretching her arms out.

"What did I say about calling me boss" Sua shouted out at the boy who had left the room, Sua sighed feeling a slight pop in her shoulder.

"Not to call you boss unless we are in formal situations, Sorry Boss" Renjun called out, Sua assumed he was inside his office that was beside hers collecting his stuff.

Sua shook her head and quickly pulled out her laptop checking a couple things before she closed it and slipped it into her laptop case and into the bottom drawer of her desk, Renjun came by not long after he left bidding his boss a good night and safe ride home.

"You too Renjun" Sua yelled out to the boy who was making his way to the underground level the building had for car parks for the employees.

Sua grabbed her phone and tucked it into her bag grabbing a couple things she needed but left a few things she would need for tomorrow, Sua grabbed her designer coat she bought in France from a boutique called 'Miss Park' and draped it over her shoulders grabbing her car and house keys along with her purse, she left her office switching the lights off and locking the door before she made her way towards the elevator, she left the lights on knowing they automatically turn off after awhile and she made her way to the underground level.


Sua pulled out onto the road seeing how the roads were completely deserted and how dark the streets were with no headlights lighting up the streets, Sua rolled her eyes as she came to a stop at a red light and ignored it seeing as no one was around and ran it aiming to get home as fast as she can because a girl was tired.

After a quick 15 minute drive that was cut down to 9 due to reckless driving Sua had finally made it home and pulled into her long drive way stopping to punch in the pin to her gate before she floored it and soon was safely parked in her garage beside her other cars, Sua watched as her gate closed and then the garage door before pulling out her keys and getting out of her new addition to her five cars, they were all different types of modern race cars but her new favourite was the black mustang she had purchased a couple days ago.

Sua left her car grabbing her purse and opening the door in the garage to walk into her home seeing how tidy everything seemed to be, she walked into her kitchen and placed her things on top of the white marble table top seeing a stack of envelopes sitting on top of her grey stone fire place, Sua grabbed them making a mental note to raise her cleaners pay and sorted through the letters.

Sua threw out various letters she saw as junk mail, along with couple business agreement related letters she kept telling the companies she hasn't been receiving but have really just been chucking them every chance she has gotten before she stopped on the last one in her hands.

It was quite a large envelope, it was gold and had a glamours shimmer to it, in black ink the word 'Royal' was written across in dramatic cursive writing making Sua arch an eyebrow, the envelope was much thicker than normal paper and the back had a red candle wax sealed that was stamped with the letter R.

Sua opened it up pulling out the thin sheets of paper and reading it.

Miss Ahn Sua

The 'Royals' consists of six wealthy families, all being named most powerful businessmen and women across the globe and it will be an honour to have you as a new addition, We do not normally request for new additions and we hope you take into consideration just how rare this opportunity is.

Being apart of the 'Royals' is all about value and worth, it doesn't matter how much money you make or how much you have in your bank account right this second it's so much more, and we would like to show you what we are all about-

Sua rolled her eyes throwing out the letter along with the rest and started rummaging through her fridge grabbing a water bottle and gulping it down before she went to her room stripping out of her work pants and long sleeved shirt getting into her sheets, Sua glanced at her alarm clock seeing the clock hit 1:34, before she sighed and tried to get lost in sleep.

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