Chapter 1

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PROLOGUE: Aerial was curled up on Maura's sofa waiting for Jane to return from hospital. Both Jane and Aerial had been kidnapped and assaulted by Hoyt but he had dumped Aerial, a week later, and held onto Jane, another week and a half. It was 3 weeks since the drama had unfolded. Aerial, Jane and Maura where all very close, so not seeing Jane, and not knowing what was happening was torture for everyone involved. Frankie and Angela where in Maura's house keeping an eye on Aerial, she had been out of hospital half a day and was not holding up to well, and waiting for Jane, they had all been worrying a lot, Angela was waiting over Aerial hand and foot as she was still to weak to do anything and she'd also been rushing around trying to make sure everything was perfect for when Jane arrived home. Aerial still had wrists and hands in bandages, and her thighs cut, scarred and scratched all over, which Maura had seen during the rape kit, from where Aerial had tried to make the pain go away. She was still very jumpy, and had only let Maura hug her once, but she was a tough kid.


Chapter 1

As Maura opened the front door, the house fell silent.

"Oh Jane! Don't you ever do that to me again!" Angela cried rushing over to Jane.

"Ma!" Jane laughed wincing.

"I'm sorry, I've just been so worried about you, and your brother has too" Angela said looking and Frankie.

"Yeah" Frankie nodded respectfully at Jane.

"Glad you're home Jane" He added.

Aerial was laid down on the sofa, she looked over at Jane. Jane limped over, and carefully sat down next to her. Aerial sat up and gently wrapped her arms around her.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you again..." Aerial sniffed.

"We'll I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere okay baba?" Jane replied hugging Aerial tenderly. They where both still in a lot of pain.

"Maybe Aerial and Jane should go to bed, and rest?" Angela suggested.

"Maybe we should all go to bed, after all we've all had a very stressful few of weeks.." Maura sighed.

Jane looked at over at Aerial and tears filled her eyes, they had seen things done to each other that cannot be mentioned. Jane then looked over at Maura and mouthed to her 'I can't leave her on her own, not now'.

Maura glanced at the clock, it was 8:30 pm.

"Right, as I've got a kingsize bed in my room, it'll fit Jane, Aerial and myself. Angela, you're in the guesthouse anyway, and Frankie, you can take the sofa or the spare bed in the guesthouse, up to you." Maura said trying to keep herself busy.

"Frankie, come and keep me company?' Angela asked her son.

"Yes, sure ma, we'll go now, after all I need a shower!" Frankie laughed.

Angela and Frankie let them selves out through the back door.

"You know where we are if you need anything..." Maura trailed off as, Frankie shut the door.

"Let's get you pair into bed" Maura said with a half hearted laugh.

"You both look like you need it..." She added honestly.

Jane got up of the sofa, Aerial then stood up but was a little wobbly, but Jane steadied her before she fell over. Maura came around to the other side of Aerial, and all three of them walked into Maura's bedroom.

It's was a lovely room, mahogany walls and embroiled swirls on the satin curtains. There was expensive Egyptian cotton on the bed, with forensic pathology books neatly stacked, either side, on the birch wood bedside tables. The wardrobe, which had mirrored doors, was perfectly sorted out, into colour & style. The several shoe cupboards & drawers were immaculately sorted out as well, not a shoe without a pair. The soft, thick carpet was a deep red, and tickled your toes when you walked upon it bare foot. In the corner, sat the wicker washing basket. Not a thing out of place.

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