Frat Part 1(Seungyoun)

Start from the beginning


"You're really setting me up mom?" You sighed as you sat in the car with her. "I thought we were going for lunch together but you decided to set me up?" She laughed at your sulky tone.

"Sweetie I just wanted you to meet someone new! Plus I met Mrs Cho at the ladies event and she mentioned her son was studying at the same uni as you! Small world!" Your mom exclaimed excitedly.

"Ugh mom I don't want to!" You whined as she dragged you into the restaurant. When she spotted her friend, she held onto your hand tighter and brought you to where a lady close to your moms age was sitting with a guy. You rolled your eyes but bowed and greeted your moms friend when she poked your sides.

"Hey I'm Seungyoun." The guy smiled at you. You mumbled your name back as your moms smiled watching the both of you.

"So we will sit over there," Mrs.Cho pointed at a table away from them. "So you two can converse freely." She clapped her hands excitedly and patted Seungyouns back before going to their table. Your mom made eye contact with you and mouthed, "Be nice."

"So...Y/N." Seungyoun started as the both of you were quiet for a while. "What course are you doing?"

"Biology...look you don't need to do this. It's ridiculous being set up at this age." You said frustratedly. Seungyoun smiled and leaned closer to you.

"I know but no harm making the best of it? Anyways I love meeting new people. So why don't we try?" Seungyoun tapped his finger on your hands.

You did try afterwards and found Seungyoun charming and sweet. He made you smile and laugh with his jokes till you found yourself having a good time. At some point, your mothers came over and told the both of you to continue hanging out as they went shopping. Seungyoun was to drop you off at your apartment afterwards.

"That was fun." You said at the end of lunch.

"See I told you it'd be. Trust in Oppa." He joked.

"We're the same age." You said with a laugh.

"Do you want to go hang out around the shops?" Seungyoun asked. You nodded and started gathering up your things. Seungyoun put on his jacket and you stopped to do a double take. You recognized that emblem and those colors.

"You're Chi Iota Nu?" Seungyoun looked down at his jacket and nodded.

"Yeap, I'm a junior." He simply said.

"Fuck." You gathered up all your stuff and walked out of the restaurant without another word. Seungyoun was confused but he grabbed his bag before running after you.

"Y/N!" He grabbed your hand stopping you in your haste to get away from him. "Why are you running away?" You pried your hands away from his.

"You must be joking. Don't pretend like you don't know why. Freaking assholes." You attempted to walk away from him but he stopped you yet again.

"What?" He looked confused.

"Did Jax set you up to do this?" You asked frustratedly.

"You know Jax?" Seungyoun was still confused. "Did you date him?"

"Don't act like you don't know about the Y/N The Ice Queen is a Bad Lay. Avoid at all costs." You quoted that stupid catchphrase back to him. You saw his eyes widen as he realized who you were. "You didn't know." You stated.

"I didn't equate that name with you. But look, I don't hang with Jax that much. I admit there are some questionable characters in our house..."

"Dickheads you mean." You interrupted.

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