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Everyone told you had a weird taste in friends

Ever since people started seeing you and Bakugo getting closer and closer in primary school

(Y/n) (L/n). Friendly, funny, has a dark humor, gorgeous, smart, speaks the truth and is a trusting person. You were the most loving from your class in your primary school and everyone wanted to be your friend. But you also had your downs

You had psychopathy, making you a psycho ever since kindergarden

You liked listening to people cry, scream in pain or seeing people bleed, you also liked to hurt people. You once- no, multiple times tried feeding your little brother smashed glass with the spoon from the ground, saying it was healthy
Maybe that's the reason why you're best friends with Bakugo Katsuki

But now you were in UA highschool with a lot of new people you could befriend and new rules to break. You were walking- running in the hall after you stole Katsuki's notebook

~few minutes ago~

You glanced at Katsuki who was sitting next to you in English class and saw that he was writing something in his notebook. What you also saw was his pink cheeks and his small smile that he had on his face while writing or drawing on his notebook, he seemed to be into whatever he was doing. So much it got you interested. You smirked and decided to fool him later


You heard yelling from behind you, knowing they came from your blonde haired bestie. You turned a corner and waited for his arrival and when he turned the corner too, you placed your leg infront of him and he tripped over it and fell. You snorted at Katsuki actually tripping over your leg, but stopped and turned your back on Katsuki and opened his notebook, checking every page

"OI YOU SHITFACE GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING NOTEBOOK!!" you turned around and placed your palm on his forehead to keep him a bit far from you. But since you're way shorter than him, your arm didn't do much, so you tried your leg and placed it on his abdomen to push him further from you, and it worked

Turning a page you said
"i saw your lil' smile while writing in it, mind telling me about it?" you often moved your eyes from the page to Katsuki to be sure he didn't do something dumb, such as burning your ankle

"Fuck no!! What's in there it's only for ME to know!!!" he pointed his thumb at his face when he said 'me'

You looked through the page only to see English writings here and there, nothing fun

"With this occasion i can copy from you, since i didn't listen to anything Present Mic said in class" you sighed through your nostrils and moved to the next page

English, English, all you've seen till now is written in English, so you moved your thumb to the corner of the page to turn it, but then you saw something underneath you thumb, right on the corner

Katsuki took notice of this and moved your leg away, but your reflexes were faster than his moves as you slid to the side, letting Katsuki kiss the locker you were leaning on

You moved the corner of the page closer to your face and squinted your eyes to see better

You couldn't make out the whole word there was, cause he used a very thin pencil and seeing he erased it a few times

There was a doodle of your face, something written right under it
'Bal a' with erased hearts around your face and also erased word

"Bal...a?" you said aloud

Katsuki stopped trying the attempts to snatch the notebook away and looked another way, red tinted his cheeks

"It says baka...stupid" he finally snatched the notebook away from your grasp while you were confused

🅈🄾🅄🅁🅂! (Bakugo x reader oneshot) Where stories live. Discover now