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On april 20th was the new member of the Bakugo family born, and I'm not talking about Katsuki

But his little sister, Satsuma

She was born when Katsuki was still in his middle school days
After the sludge villain incident happened Katsuki came home very irritated to what just happened, not the fact that he got attacked by a villain but the fact that 'stupid deku' had to save him, or rather interrupt him as he liked to say *rolls eyes*

But his day got much worse after he heard the big news from his mother on the phone, saying she gave birth to a babygirl, the opposite he waited for

His day couldn't get worst, right?

(plot twist his whole future got worst after finding out Izuku had a quirk and became a hero-)

That brings us to the present, 3 years later and you being 22 and Katsuki being 19, in his last year of highschool. You knew Katsuki ever since he was in diapers, are a couple since middleschool even if you're complete different. You being friendly, funny, calm but can be terrifying when you show those rare times where you let your inner demon show itself..being blessed with such a terrifying but cool quirk that can beat even All Might's ass, but couldn't since you were at a different school

Katsuki could tell you were jumping up and down in excitement even thought he couldn't see you through the phone, he scoffed and told you to shut your trap

"shut up and listen, damn punk" he rolled his eyes when you repeated the word 'okay' again and again and took deep breaths to calm your heart down. Once he couldn't hear anything else than silence he began to talk again

"i don't have all the damn time in the world to look after a small brat, fucking partime job and shit. That little shit is only 3 and is like me. I'm not doing the same fucking mistake of letting her home alone ever again" Katsuki shivered from the memory of him coming home late at night and seeing two police officers infront of his door talking to his little sister, cause she called them to ask them if they could watch Tangled with her

"Can i do it?! Please please pleaseeee Katsuuuu-kuuun!" you pleaded on the other side of the phone

"Hell no! She'll fucking hate you! Remember she's me but 16 years younger and quirkless, she's straight up from the zoo!" you wheezed at this

"You're legit telling me you came from the zoo too, since you said she's like you" you were still wheezing hard and Katsuki gritted his teeth

"Remind me why we're together?" Katuki pinched the skin between his eyebrows to calm down a bit before exploding his phone

"Cuz you looooof meee" you sounded drunk at this point

Katsuki thought for a moment, but didn't want to upset you, perhaps, he knows that you're better at babysitting than he would ever be. The only close person he showed to Satsume was you, not even the Bakusquad had the chance to see her, so it was either you or no one

He grunted before responding

"You're hired, get here every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM till 7 PM when i come home, got it?" he cringed when you squealed hard enough to make his ear bleed

"I LOOOOVEEE YOUUUU!!!!" you ended the call and made your luggages to move into the Bakugo house for the next few months

~Time skip to next day~

It was currently 7:35 AM and Mitsuki pulled up infront of your house to drive you to your location, you smiled and jogged to the trunk to put your luggage there, then walked back to the passenger seat

🅈🄾🅄🅁🅂! (Bakugo x reader oneshot) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя