War Prisoner Chapter 71

As it turns out, this dish of roasted sheep was the customary main dish in a Jin Liao New Year's Eve feast; it was expected to be served at such occasions to symbolize that the coming year would be happy and peaceful and that the country would prosper while the people would be at peace. Therefore in the hearts of the people of Jin Liao, it was no less important than praying for blessings or offering sacrifices to the gods and ancestors. Even people who were very impoverished and could not afford a whole sheep also felt the need to buy morsels of sheep such as mutton, mutton tripe and sheep bones in order to prepare such a dish. Those people who were carrying this important dish into the hall were perennially working in the kitchen; thus, they did not recognise Su Yi. If that were not the case, even if they were at their last gasp, they would not have dared to let him lift the dish, much less because of a simple case of diarrhoea.

At the moment, the big hall was filled with the sounds of happy conversation and laughter. The Empress Dowager, Wanyan Xu and his son were seated at one of the tables together with a few important ministers. Below the dais were more tables; a few dozen of the surrounding tables were occupied by ministers and the womenfolk of their families. Wanyan Xu's concubines were also seated at the tables occupied by the womenfolk and were engaged in merry banter with them. Although the tables were laden with dishes of food, nobody touched their chopsticks. They were all waiting for the dish of roasted sheep to be served up before they proceeded to enjoy the feast.

Wanyan Shuo was just telling the Empress Dowager of how many fireworks he intended to release after the banquet but when the Empress Dowager laughed and said he wasn't allowed to do anything of that sort, he began to act like a spoiled child trying to cajole her into letting him do as he wished by wheedling. But he heard Wanyan Xu say suddenly with good humour: "Shuo Er, stop making a fuss. The roasted sheep is about to be served, don't you just love eating dishes that are the specialities of the Great Qi [1]? Why don't you pick out a good seat and sit down?" He then turned to the ministers and said smilingly: "The Crown Prince is naughty and mischievous, we really do not know we should teach him some discipline. All of you have children in your families, how do you usually guide them?" All of the ministers echoed each other as they said: "Your Majesty must be joking with us, aren't all children just like that? Besides, the Crown Prince is clever and quick-witted. At such a young age, he already has the bearing of a sovereign, when he ascends the throne in future, he would surely be able to lead our Jin Liao country and people into continued peace and prosperity."

Wanyan Xu nodded his head and smiled, but made no reply. He glanced outside the hall, and saw that the people bringing the roasted sheep were quite close now. In a flash, he seemed to have seen Su Yi. He found it strange, thinking in his heart: how could he be here, and how would he have been given this task? When he sought to take a closer look, that person had been obscured by the sheep. He could not help but laugh bitterly at himself, thinking: my eyesight was probably blurred; because I think of him so much, I have even started to dream of him even during the waking hours.

Consequently, he called Zi Nong over and instructed her: "Later, when you notice that people are not paying attention to you, take the opportunity to deliver some specialities of Great Qi and hot food to Su Su's room. On this New Year's Eve night, he must be feeling very sad in his heart. Besides this reminder of the destruction of his country, he is also spending it all alone; I [2] cannot imagine how difficult he must find his circumstances now. You should accompany him and talk for a while, perhaps you can ease his sorrow. This is the most important day of the year, no matter what, do not let him be focused only on thinking about unlucky things."

Zi Nong agreed. Turning away, she was met with the sight of Zi Yan staring at her. There was a complicated look in Zi Yan's eyes, which startled Zi Nong, and she couldn't help saying in surprise: "What are you doing? Are you trying to scare people to death?"

Zi Yan furrowed her brows and frowned. Sighing, she said: "His Majesty is still thinking of that person?" Zi Nong gave a "humph" and said: "Didn't you already hear everything? Why bother to ask me? You are the one who detest Young Master the most, so why be concerned about him now?"

Zi Yan made no reply, abruptly she turned away. As she was walking away, she murmured to herself: "He can't forget, he still can't forget. Even on a day like this, Master is still saddened, he is still thinking of him, his heart still misses him. Don't tell me... Don't tell me that I really have to repudiate my original intention? How could that be, how could that possibly be..." As she was muttering to herself, suddenly, her ears were met with the sound of silence. The hall had quietened down all of a sudden. Turning her head for a look, she saw that the roast sheep had already been carried into the hall. Everybody's eyes were fixed on this auspicious dish, and enjoying the delicious aroma that wafted off of it; naturally they were too absorbed to speak.

Zi Nong and the other attendants were all smiling, and hurried over to the back of Wanyan Xu and the Empress Dowager, ready to serve them the dish. The countless pairs of eyes of the ministers were also fixed upon this huge sheep that was about to be carried to the table of the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

Suddenly they all saw that the dish had started to slant, the south corner had begun drooping down. The other three people hurriedly tried to rebalance their load, but because the combined weight of the sheep and dish was really too heavy, they had no hope of recovering in such a short time. Everybody in the crowd could only look on helplessly as the huge platter, as well as the sheep that was on top of it, came crashing to the ground. Needless to say, the plate was smashed into pieces but that was immaterial. The most important thing was that the sheep had also become contaminated with dust, which was totally unacceptable. 

At this moment, everybody's face had turned pale, the Empress Dowager, Wanyan Xu and the rest of the important people had stood up. The three bearers had long ago fallen to their knees and started to kowtow, knocking their heads against the ground like they were merely heads of garlic, utterly terrified they said: "Your slave deserves death, your slave deserves death." Only the person who had been lifting up the south end of the lamb dish did not kneel and beg forgiveness, instead he could only squat down and clutch at his mouth and stomach with each of his hands. Upon a careful look, that person was none other than Su Yi.

Upon the realisation, the expressions of everybody changed and Yu Cang suddenly stood up. He said in a loud voice: "Who was the person who let this slave carry the sheep? How could anybody not know that he harbours evil intentions in his heart? His actions today are clearly intended to curse our Jin Liao Empire, so that our fortunes will begin to decline." So saying, he turned to Wanyan Xu and said: "Your Majesty, the crime he has committed is great, and his evil intentions are extreme. Your Majesty cannot be excessively lenient towards him anymore." When these words left his lips, the other officials also began to echo his sentiments.

Suddenly the crisp and clear tones of a child's voice said: "Shut your mouth, my Imperial Father has not spoken yet, it is hardly your turn to be making irresponsible remarks." It was none other than the little Crown Prince Wanyan Shuo. With urgent steps, he descended from the high platform, heading straight towards Su Yi's side.

At this moment, Su Yi's head was spinning, his vision had become blurred and cold sweat was dripping off his forehead. When he heard Wanyan Shuo's footsteps approaching, he reluctantly forced himself to get up, and made to leave the hall. Concubine Yin had just loudly exclaimed: "Audacious slave, quickly tidy up..." But that's all she dared to say, after being treated to a fierce glare by Wanyan Shuo, she did not make another sound.

Zi Nong and the rest had also bounded down towards Su Yi. Su Yi's body was felt as weak as putty, his vision was cloudy and he knew that he could not possibly make it out of the hall in his condition. He could only use up all the inner strength left to him to force the mouthful of blood back down into his throat and barely managed to choke these words out: "I... I will go and find something... here... to tidy up..." So saying, he made to go.

His stomach was in such churning pain that it felt like there seas and rivers were being overturned inside and there were innumerable things that were being tossed around. Su Yi knew full well that if he didn't actively resist for even a split second, a great quantity of blood will gush forth from his mouth. With Wanyan Xu, Wanyan Shuo, Zi Nong and the rest still so profoundly attached emotionally to him, how could he let himself die right in front of them just like that. He could not let such a tragic and cruel scene be their last memory of him, lest it cast a shadow over the rest of their lives. In addition, this was the night of the New Year's Eve, for him to die at a feast was also an ill omen. Therefore he clenched his teeth, locking his jaw tightly he took a few steps forward, wishing that he could fly out the hall at this moment. He would do anything just to get through this moment.

Suddenly he heard a low and steady voice ring out, saying: "Stop right there." All at once, everybody stopped speaking and looked at Wanyan Xu, stunned. Wanyan Shuo and the rest also halted their steps as they looked at him, only to see that he was coming down the dais, step by deliberate step. He looked at Su Yi with luminous eyes and saw that Su Yi was still trying to leave the hall but finally, his weakened legs could support him no longer and he sank to his knees in front of a pillar. He rushed forward to support Su Yi with steps so swift that he appeared to be flying, and saw that his beloved's face was as white as paper and beads of sweat as large as soybeans were rolling down his face. That pair of eyes had already lost their lustre, and when they gazed at Wanyan Xu, he couldn't tell if the expression in them was of love, of pain, of sadness. One of his hands was hanging limply by his side, while the other was still tightly clamped over his nose and mouth. Wanyan Xu was greatly startled by this sight, and a chill shook his body as a portentous feeling of impending doom began to rise up from the bottom of his heart.

"Su Su..."He could only say these words; he found that he could not bear to continue. Wanyan Xu sluggishly raised his hand, forcing himself to keep his mind calm and not to look into Su Yi's pleading eyes, he grasped Su Yi's sleeve firmly. Whether it was that he had lost control over his trembling fingers and they refused to do as he wished, or whether he did not dare to tug that sleeve down for fear of what may happen, he couldn't say. He only knew that his own teeth had begun chattering. However, under the present circumstances, he really did not have the luxury of hesitating any further. He could only harden his heart, and abruptly pulled down Su Yi's weak arm that could put up no resistance. In an instant, a sheet of brilliant but menacing red flashed past his eyes. Su Yi could hold it in no longer, and big mouthfuls of blood gushed out one after another, all of them staining Wanyan Xu's dragon robes.

End of Chapter 71


[1]: The mutton dish is supposed to be the speciality of Jin Liao, not Great Qi, but I suppose the author might have meant that after the lamb was served, they could start their meal and Wanyan Shuo could sample other dishes that are the specialities of Great Qi.

[2]: Wanyan Xu uses the royal "I/Me/my" throughout this chapter when he is speaking.


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