11. Sing Me To Sleep

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Sing Me To Sleep by Alan Walker

Remember me now, time cannot erase

I can hear your whispers in my mind

I've become what you cannot embrace

Our memory will be my lullaby


How do you know about that?


I'm silent for a minute. shitshitshit. What am I supposed to do, reveal my secret? to a stranger? Fine, maybe not a stranger. A girl I barely know who only insults me, period. None of your business. I turn and walk away. Please don't let her come after me. My mind wouldn't stop begging fate to spare me.

Hey, stop!


I glare at this girl. Why, why did she have to call me? I know this is impossible but...She looks at me, at a loss of words.


Did you read my mind?

My eyes widen. I did not expect that answer. Her eyes lock with mine for a moment.

Forget I asked. She turns to walk away. Suddenly, she stops and looks around.

I laugh.

Don't tell me. You're lost!

So what if I am?

This girl was just hilarious. She glares at me and even in the dim moonlight, I can tell she is blushing.

Come on. I'll show you the way out.

She seems to hesitate but accepts anyways. We thread through trees, the crackling of leaves the only sounds in the silence of the night. I lead her out.

You seem to be familiar with this route.

Of course. I come here all the time.

It takes a moment for me to realise my mistake.

All the time?

None of your business. Wasn't that what you said? We reach the edge of the forest. I turn and leave. I turn towards the path that will take me back.

Wait! What now? I turn to face her.

See you in school. She leaves in a hurry. What a strange person. I leave and go home.

I hope I don't see her tomorrow.

The night air quietly brushes past. I smile.

One day less to be living now.

Anywhere, anytime

I would do anything for you

Anything for you

Yesterday got away

Melodies stuck inside your head

A song in every breath

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