The calm before the storm

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"This is the Police emergency serivices."

"There's a girl, she's going to jump, alert everyone."

"Sir, please stay calm, do you know your location?"

"Shit, she's going to jump, there isnt much time left."

The tiny droplets of rain are hitting my skin, leaving behind little vibrations which resonates throughout my body sending tingles down my spine, stimulating my back to arch forward.

I'm watching the rain create different patterns as it dances onto the dark, gravel road that is below me. It falls gracefully onto the heads of the miniscule people that i look down upon, soaking them from head to toe, making their clothes stick to their skin, their makeup run and their hair flatten and glue to their faces.

This is how god must feel peering down on his failed creations, marvelling at the unimportance of their meagre lives.

Then again, how is my life distinguished from theirs? I'm alone but he's always there. his hot, raging breath down my neck, his rough, dry hands covering my body. His voice, his soul, his body consumes me. I'm alone but he will always be here.


A ray of sunshine burned my face as my mothers ferociously ripped open the curtains. Another day of school, of failing classes and taunting. Crap.

"Get up." my mother ordered as she stormed through my room, he spindly, nicotine-stained fringers ripping apart my room.

"What are you looking for?" I croaked. She smirked and shook her head.

"i'll play along with you, the keys are missing and we both know you took them.So stop being a complete bitch and just tell me where they are."

I was taken aback by her accusations as she paused and her crystal blue eyes, identical to mine pierced mine, if you looked close enough you could also see red.

"I know you want to sabotage Joseph's big business deal because of your own stupid morals, but you know we have to do anything to get by in life, whatever it takes."

I could see the outline of the keys in her back pocket. I wanted to yell, "They're in your pocket you stupid cow!" But i didnt, i just pursed my lips, forced a stiff smile and nodded.

"I know Mum."

The same green and off-white school dress hung loosely from my small, stick-ish body and i pretended to eat my cereal when my mother walked past. When she left i hopped up from the table and poured it down the sink. I hadn't eaten for atleast a week. Unless you include the piece of gum i found under my bed which i chewed for twelve minutes.

My long, dreary black hair which contrasted against my pale white almost translucent skin- made me look like a ghost. The compulsory, thick-soled heavy black school shoes had become worn and the shine had long gone from when Mum bought them back in year eight. The happy days. Before Joseph. My nails were bitten and the blue nail polish was chipped. My appearance is why i was teased, this is why everybody hated stupid, little anorexic Sarah, even i hate her.

"Sarah!!!" Joseph yelled from his and my mother's room. Mum was gone. I was here, by myself with him. He never did this before school. I could feel a cold sweat forming about my brow, slowly dripping down my face. I realised i hadnt breathed for a long time. I exhaled and waved the dark storm cloud that i could only see, which loomed over me away and slowly walked down the peach linoleum hallway and slowly creaked open the door.

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