March 14, 2014 part 2

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Sara's P.O.V

we arrived at the venue. We met up with my manager named Stephanie as we parked the rental car.

'hey guys you ready ?' Stephanie asked just as excited as we were (shes 20).

'hell yeah' we all said in unison as we walked towards the doors.

we see a piece of paper stuck on the entrance saying times of when Emily's Army is on and more information of the Yahoo! music showcase.

the venue is only small but as we walk through the doors there is a pretty decent crowd.

** time skip to when Emily's Army come on **

all of a sudden the lights start to dim down we are standing at the front row I see Max and Cole and then all of sudden I hear Travis' guitar and then Joey comes running out and starts drumming and then I recognize the beat to be 'Part Time Bum' next I see Max and Cole come out and Cole starts to sing.

** time skip to after their set **

it was over in a flash it was like it only lasted for 2 seconds. I swear I caught Max looking at Jordan a couple of times i mean he practically sang 'high wasted shorts' to Jordan as he was staring at her the whole time.

we were all kinda sweaty and we all wanted some water so I went over to the vending machine and got 4 bottles. as I stood up after getting the bottles I saw Cole walk up to us...

'hey I'm cole presuming you already knew that but um I know that your Sara and I want you to come backstage you can bring your friends too we all want to meet you' he smiles at all of us wanting a yes but instead I look at Stephanie and she nods.

'nice to meet you' I say as I start to walk towards him he cole turns on his heels and walks towards a door close to the stage with Troye, Jordan, and Steph following close behind.

Cole opens the door and takes us down this hallway full of other doors and posters of each band name stuck to them and a toilet one at the end of the hallway as well as a management office on the left.

we get to the door that says 'Emily's Army' in black bold writing.

as Cole opens the door the 4 of us walk in.

as soon as we walk through the door there are a couple of couches and makeup mirrors and a table full of cups and little snacks.

all the boys plus some parents and Max's girlfriend look at us but Travis comes up to us with excitement first then later followed by Joey.

they greeted us and said there hellos.

for the rest of the night, it kind of went like we went around the room talking to everyone I got to meet Billie Joe and his wife Adrienne they are really nice and me and Joey were talking a lot about The Clash and The Rolling Stones and bit of The Who but me and cole we're talking about Taylor Swift cause we both love her a lot.

after that we worked out we're all staying at the same hotel for the night so we went back and chilled for a while in their room but then Jordan and I got tried as well as Troye so we quietly got ready for bed because Steph came here earlier to sleep as I relised we go back home tomorrow sadly.

** time skip till the next day **

I woke up and went to the bathroom as that's the first thing I do of a morning, and then got back into the bed that I and Troye are sharing and went on my phone and saw all the boys started following me on Instagram and Twitter even joeys mum and dad which is pretty cool.

I got a dm from Joey 5 minutes ago saying 'hey Sara we're going to the hotel cafè in half an hour if you want to come down and say goodbye and have breakfast you can but if you don't that's fine'

so now I have 25 minutes I can do this.

I decided to just put on foundation and mascara, my natural look. my outfit consists of black jeans and a Taylor Swift Red Tour shirt even though I didn't go but I got it of her website, and my black and white converse.

I left a note telling them to text me if they  wanted to come down and where I was going to be.

I went to the elevator with 5 minutes to spare.

I got to the cafè and saw the group of them. I saw Joey's brown eyes meet my blue eyes and he raced over to me and engulfed me into a warm hug this time he smelt nicer than before, thats because he didnt smell of sweat, but it was a natural scent and it made me feel like home.

'good morning how are you ?' he asked letting go and taking me back to the group.

'good morning to you too and not to bad sad we both have to leave each other though' I said sitting down. 

they haven't ordered anything as they waited for me which was really nice.

I said my hellos to everyone and then Billie asked me a question I want to answer yes to so badly.

'so Sara I know you have to go back to Australia today but are you busy when you get back ?'

'no it will just be school that's all whys that ?'

'well, I and the rest of us thought, did you guys want to come to our house we're happy to pay and all ?'

'oh my god um I dunno I'll have to go back to Australia for a few weeks first I won't be able to leave for another month because of school but I'd love too and then Troye and Jordan I'll have to see and dad of course and when we have my sisters it all depends'

'oh cool that's fine just let us know joey would really like you to stay' he finished and joey grunted something to him that I couldn't understand

the rest of breakfast went by in a flash by the time I knew it I was on a plane on my way back to Australia thinking of what Billie said and what I was gonna ask my father.

thank you for reading I'm hoping chapters are going to get better...

please give feedback

I'm gonna keep trying posting as much as I can.

song of the day
Taylor Swift

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