0.5 Meeting My Mate

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~ D R A C O ~

Since I had turned 17 mother and father had started taking me to death eater meetings with them. They tried all of last year to get me to go but I didn't. In the end I promised them that once I turned 17, I would go without a question.

I only did that for two reasons one, so I didn't have them nagging me anymore. Two, so I could get some tie to myself. There was probably two meetings a week and on top of that I had all of this studying for school and my creature, to deal with I had no time for myself.

Currently we are in a small meeting with the Dark Lord and his most trusted followers. We were discussing what to do with dumb-as-a-door.

There was a loud knocking at the door. Who ever it was made a big mistake, everyone knew how not to interrupt any meetings that the Dark Lord is having. I looked at the Dark Lord to see anger on his face. It was one of his biggest hates.

"Enter!!" he shouted. In came one of the newest recruits his name was Eric. He was afraid you could see it all over his face, I silently snickered at that.

"Why Are You Interrupting My Meeting!!?" the Dark Lord yelled.

"T-There was s-someone at the f-front gate asking t-to see you my lord." He stumbled on his words.

The Dark Lord sighed, "bring them in."

A few minutes later Eric and Jack another new death eater came in practically dragging this boy, he could be no older than what I was. As they brought the boy closer, I could smell his sweet scent.

'It's our mate.' My Veela, Logan stated.

'Are you sure?' I asked

'Yes, can't you smell him? he smells so sweet.'

'Of course, I can, but I can't do anything about it at the moment because we are in the middle of the meeting,' I said.

'but I want to meet our mate now,' Logan whined.

'I promise after the meeting.'

'Fine,' he said.

"What is the meaning of this?" the Dark Lord asked.

"We captured him at the front gate," Jack said in a small voice.

"How could one small boy make it to the front gate? No one is supposed to know of this location. So, tell me child how did you find your way here?" the Dark Lord asked calmly but I could tell he was angry.

My mate snatched his arms from the death eaters, who immediately grabbed their wands and pointed them at him. I was slightly amazed that he had strength as he looked so small.

"C-Calm down, I am not t-threat."

'He is a submissive' I could tell Logan was happy about that.
If he wasn't a threat, then why was he here? He didn't look like the type of person to follow the Dark Lord or become a death eater.

he grabbed a piece of parchment and held it out, not moving.
The Dark Lord told Severus to get the parchment. He grabbed the parchment opening it. I could see tears gathered in his eyes soon they were freely flowing down his face. It left most of us if not all that sat at the table in shock. I knew my god father only cried about one thing and that was his missing son.

It leads me to believe that this boy standing here, is his lost son. It has to be he is about the same age. He has Severus's eyes and hair but has the Dark Lord's slim nose and defined jawline. All the evidence shows that this is

"Hadrian, my baby boy," Severus whispered, it was barely audible, but I still heard it.

Severus dropped the parchment and hugged Hadrian. Logan and I didn't like that he was being touched by someone apart from us. I understood that it was his mother, but we still don't like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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