0.1. Creature Inheritance

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-H A R R Y-

I had just been locked in my cupboard with a new bruise on my face. Yes, I still live in the cupboard under the stairs, I had asked Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon about giving me Dudley's second bedroom at the end of the first year, but I got a beating instead.

I wasn't allowed to do magic to fix the bruises and cuts. It wasn't because of the trace, no I was seventeen so the Ministry couldn't track me. It was thanks to Uncle Vernon that I couldn't do magic, as every year when I come back from Hogwarts, he locks up my trunk, books, wand and everything to do with magic in Dudley's second bedroom which is more of a storage room.

I don't know what time it is, but I woke up screaming from the pain in my upper back. I felt extremely hot I striped down to my boxers trying to get cool. The pain got worse and worse I don't know if I can handle it anymore. Soon I everything faded into darkness.


I don't know how long it has been since I blacked out but my whole body still burned with pain. I was lying on the cot trying to sleep and ignore the pain in my body. loud heavy footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, I could only guess that it was Uncle Vernon. I heard him yell "what is that screaming boy? Shut the bloody hell up."

'This can't be good.' I thought then the cupboard door was unlocked, and the door slammed opened, there was Uncle Vernon with a red face with the hallway light shining behind him. He dragged me out the cupboard and threw me on the ground.

"WHAT IN GODS NAME IS THIS BOY?!!" I didn't know what he was talking about, so I just stayed quiet which is probably the worst thing to do.

"ANSWER ME BOY!!! WHY DO YOU HAVE WINGS??! YOU FREAK ANSWER ME!!!" He screamed at me, but I still didn't say a word instead I looked behind me to catch a glimpse of the wings attached to my back to see black feathers.

"IF YOU WON'T ANSWER ME, I WILL HAVE TO BEAT YOU INSTEAD!!! YOU FILTHY FREAK!!! I SHOULD HAVE DESPOSED OF YOU A LONG TIME AGO!!!" He screamed he started to brutally hit my newly found wings in addition to that he viciously ripped out feathers trying to make me 'normal.'

By now my face was probably black and blue. My body hurt all over I couldn't move. My wings were soaked in blood, half my face and my right arm was swollen from the beating I just got.

"you will clean your disgusting blood off the floor and walls. I want it spotless by morning. If I find one drop of blood, I will be removing those wings from your freak body." He spat then stomped upstairs.

I summoned my wand muttering 'Accio wand' I found through the last year or two that If I was in desperate need or concentrated hard enough, I could do wandless magic and in times like these it was very useful. With my wand in hand I quickly cast 'Lenio' to relieve the pain enough for me to move. Once I used some magic to clean up the mess, I went to sleep exhausted from the night I have had.


I hadn't even got up when holding yet and I could hear ponding footsteps from either Dudley or Vernon. I got up only to be pushed back in my cupboard with a door slammed in my face form Dudley. Trying again I walked into the kitchen to make then breakfast.

I had just put the bacon in the pan when an owl came in through the back door and dropped a letter on the kitchen table then flew out again. 'my day couldn't get any worse,' I thought. He looked at the letter and I could see the anger and redness in his face.

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT SENDING LETTERS TO YOUR FREAKY FRIENDS!! BOY!!" He screamed. Wait letters? I haven't sent any in the last two weeks ago and I had already gotten replies so who could have sent a letter to him? It couldn't be Sirius he died last year. Remus is off in Greece with Tonks.

"W-w-What? I didn't s-s-s-send a l-le-letter t-to any-anyone," I stuttered.

"DON'T LIE TO ME BOY!! AS PUNISHMENT YOU WILL NOT EAT FOR THE NEXT WEEK!! AND GOOD MORNING BEATING EACH DAY!!" He screamed at me, then slammed the letter in the table loudly not looking at it for the rest of breakfast.

"Make us green tea and don't burn the breakfast," Aunt Petunia said, as she sat down at the table.

"Y-Yes, Aunt P-Petunia."

I served them eggs, bacon, sausages, toast with mushrooms and tomato then set their tea on the table. I then filled the sink with hot water to start the dishes and listened in on their morning conversation as I cleaned.

"What are you going to do today Dudley?" Aunt Petunia said.

"I'm going to hand out with Piers and Dennis. I might stay the night at theirs," He replied.

"That's good. Well I have a meeting with a new client today, so I will be leaving after breakfast and will not be back until this afternoon. So, you will be having lunch alone," Uncle Vernon informed his wife.

"That's alright dear."

After breakfast Uncle Vernon and Dudley left and Aunt petunia left for the garden. I grabbed the letter, opened it and started to read it.

Dear Mr. Potter,
It has come to my attention that you have got your creature inheritance.
I expect to see you at Gringotts 10am sharp tomorrow morning. To discuss your inheritance as well as any lordship you may be entitled to. This letter is a port key it will take you to my office in Gringotts, the password Cobalus.
- Ragnok

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