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Halloween was a strange night. Children would dress up as what they feared most and ask for sugary treats in reward for it. They mocked the terrifying. They laughed at the dead. It was a cruelty and injustice to those who existed without a voice.

Every Hallow's Eve, a strange magic would befall all places typically considered "evil". Except there was nothing considered evil about the graveyard - well, not to the inhabitants of it.
It was as if the spirits of the fallen would return to their bones for one night only. Skeletons would dig their way out of the ground, shaking off their coffins and disrupting the earth above and beneath them.

Two lovers were buried next to each other.

A. Knight and T. Riddle

The date of their death was not written on their gravestones, but it didn't matter. The few people that cane to visit would have their eyes too clouded by tears to notice the peculiar slabs that marked their whereabouts.

But now they were finally above ground.

The taller spirit's skeleton turned to the side, bones aching for the touch of his lover. The smaller figure did the same, reaching out and gently taking the other's hand in his own.
The magic that kept the figures together was strange. It was like magnetism. Each individual bone floated in mid air, disconnected enough to make it seem as though there were forces forcing them away from each other. But Mr Knight and Mr Riddle's touch was the epitome of attraction.
Once they were touching, they did not let go.

Absentmindedly, they both glided over to a more secluded part of the graveyard, hiding under the safety of a willow tree.

The pair of skeletons faced each other.

Though they could not see, Mr Riddle knew that Awsten was in front of him, just like Awsten knew that Travis was right there too.
Awsten's bony fingers slowly traced over Travis' jaw. He imagined what it would be like if the two were still alive. He might be able to feel the man's warm, blushing skin. Kiss him gently on the lips. Feel his heart beat.

But there was nothing. And there never would be. All that was left was Awsten's ability to run his hands down Travis' rib cage as if it were a sick kind of xylophone and remember the heart that was so full of love. The way it used to pump blood around a body that he wished he could just touch. Hold. Comfort.

Travis was having similar thoughts as his skeletal frame came closer to his companion. His own fingers dancing along Awsten's hip bone. How he would have loved to hold him while he was still alive. To grip his sides during a heated moment or after Awsten had come home after a bad day. His hands moved around to the base of his spine, then slowly creeping up.

He remembered how he used to do this when flesh was still a tangible object, not a figment of his imagination. He would smirk at the chills that would be sent up his lover's back and hold him closer. Except now there was just cold bone and nothing else. All of the things that he wanted to do, all of the nights they would spend awake in bed together, all of the things he wished he could say or see or hear or taste. It all meant nothing.

Because in the world of the dead, there was no touching. No sleeping, no eating. No guilty human pleasures. No listening to soothing melodies, no looking at the scenery around you.
No feeling. Anything.

Just knowing that you were there in spirit next to the one you loved most in the world.

And for tonight only, that was the best that they were going to get.

Awsten Knight X Travis Riddle One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now