Orange and Spice

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Her eyes shifted over to her mug. She should get it into the washing machine. The object silently became enveloped in darkness at a moment's notice and swiftly disappeared from view. She often use this method to clean out her room. She rarely left anything out as it was so easy to just teleport them to their proper place. Unlike Beast Boy who often left his forgotten personal items strewn about the tower. She thought of the amount of times she had seen him get chewed out by Robin for doing so. No one could tell if he did it on purpose or if he really was just that forgetful. His abandoned tea mug in the common room came as no surprise to her. She was back to that thought again.

"What should I do?" She was starting to fret and in an instant she decided she was making a mountain out of a molehill and she'd just have to wing it. With that in mind, she swiftly teleported to the roof where she would try to vacate her mind and prepare herself mentally for what was to come.

Some time later, Beast Boy had finally made his way to the floor the kitchen was on. He had previously gotten sidetracked by the sight of some distressed bird outside of the tower and now feeling satisfied having helped the struggling creature he felt he deserved to be rewarded by some good food. He walked down the corridor to the dining area confidently as Robin was walking out of the kitchen. The team leader gave him a curt nod from behind his newspaper, coffee cup still in hand.

"I miss breakfast?" asked Beast Boy, stopping Robin from continuing down the call. Robin peered around his newspaper and gave him a tired smile.

"Just by a bit. Good effort though. I left a couple of slices of bread in the toaster just in case you woke up," he answered, still walking down the corridor.

"Where is everyone?" he asked swiftly, as he turned to see Robin's retreating form.

"Training room," the older boy called back. Satisfied with this answer Beast Boy continued onward.

He strolled into the empty room that smelled vaguely of bacon and sausages. He scowled for a moment before going about his business. He rummaged around the fridge and grabbed his carton of eggs. As he turned on the stove-top to start cooking his eggs he saw a glint of something reflective nearby. He turned his head and his eyes landed on Raven's kettle. It was in the sink again; same place from before. He bit his lip and eyed it warily.

He had enjoyed his cup of tea the previous night and felt the allure of having himself another cup. Maybe a caffeinated cup this time to wake him up a bit. He peered around the kitchen's connecting hallways quickly then perked up his ears to listen for signs of his other teammates. He sighed, relieved when he heard Cyborg's, Starfire's, and Robin's voices all coming from a few floors below himself. That only left Raven unaccounted for but if he was a betting man he'd say she was more than likely to be hiding out on the roof like always.

"What are the odds she'll decide to go against her routine today?"

Before he could think more of it he put the kettle on the stove-top next to the frying pan and started searching through the tea drawer for another satchel. His hands paused over one that read Orange and Spice tea. Unwilling to continue his perusal of the drawer in case he was caught in the act he picked out the Orange tea and started looking for the green sloth he had used the last night. That's when he remembered he had left it on the floor of the common room and started worrying about it. He ran over to the common room and found it clean of any trace of it. He ran a hand through his hair and walked back to the kitchen. He started pacing as he wondered where it could have gone before finally spotting the sloth in the open dishwasher as well as his mug. Confused, he walked over to it and picked it up. He looked inside the mug. It was unwashed and something about it was off. He sniffed the air lightly. He couldn't smell the blackberry tea he had had in it at all. All he could smell was mint. That meant someone had used his mug! That meant Raven had used his mug!

"Did she find it out in the common room this morning? Oh my God, does she know I stole one of her tea packs? She's gonna kill me. I'm going to have to move away. Far away." He started nodding very fast then shaking his head even faster. "No, she'll find me anywhere I go. Dammit, I'm a dead man," he whined. Reason kicked in a moment later.

If Raven had indeed found out what he had done, she would have immediately gone for the jugular. Unless this was a new kind of anger where she was plotting his slow death. He rubbed his neck weakly.

"Should I still make the tea? Yeah, yeah. I'll make her a cup too. Maybe she won't strangle me then."

He began busily preparing his eggs as the tea kettle was slowly coming to a boil. It finally began whistling as he stuffed his eggs down his throat. He almost choked on a yolk as he ran to grab the mugs and infusers and very nearly dropped the mugs from how sweaty his hands had become. He chose the green sloth from the day before and a small lavender sailboat he had found in the dishwasher. Hurriedly he filled each mug with the steaming water and dipped the packed infusers in the water. Tea mugs in hand he started carefully speed walking towards the roof, hoping Raven would like or at least accept his peace offering.

Yeah so this chapter is one of those in betweeners. I hope you liked it. Please let me know if any of the continuity doesn't work. I swear I confuse myself sometimes. Have a lovely day y'all!

Blackberry TeaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin