Macabre Day

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Title: The Tragedy.

and the executioner, and the gravekeeper.. 

   | Personality |

Living up to his name he is very brutal and disturbing. Though sometimes he tries to be kind.

   | Job Description |

He works at the graveyard, keeping check of the bodies and burying them.

   | Information |

He usually stays and stalks in the shadows, away from the crowds and just silently observing.

Him and Benevolent work together a lot. Mostly with doctor things. I have a feeling he's a bit freaked out by Benevolent's malevolent side.

He's akin to something like a Grim Reaper.

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 ^ Macabre on the left and Benevolent at the right

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 ^ Macabre on the left and Benevolent at the right. ^ 

   | His Past |

In a past life, him and three other survivors were walking in a cave, intent on finding an abandoned base in it. Trying to find a way to enter, the four of them stared into the dark abyss below them. But the floor beneath them started to collapse, and to save himself, Macabre betrayed the rest. He was the only survivor left, but then he was grabbed ahold of by something and was pushed by it into the darkness.

   | Extras |

• He has a game but its not open to the public, thus we barely know his past and stuff like that

• Be wary if he's in game with you. He can just start killing people out of nowhere.

• sometimes he goes on a rampage if he gets under pressure and shoots everyone and everything.

operative stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora