part 2 -

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The game went great, pats won, no shock!

"Number 11 has his eye on you" Sophie said from behind, i looked over and indeed, He was looking this way
"He isn't looking at me" I spoke turning round to face Sophie
"Sure he wasn't fresh meat like you, he will be all over that" I give her a funny look
"Julian is known for playing about, just be careful if he comes this way for you" I nodded
"But if anything happens keep it a secret, I had to do it for years with Gronk" I nodded


"Edelman, stop eyeing up the cheerleaders and come over here" bill shouted, causing the team to laugh
"She's cute isn't she" I looked over a tom, who had spoke
"You are married Thomas" he smirked
"All I said was she is cute. Don't go getting all defensive now" he laughed patting my shoulder
"Edelman got a crush on the cheerleader?" Oh days, I'm going to be the joke for days now.
"I can find out who she is mate" Gronk spoke, we all knew about him and Sophie, Bill didn't like it but got use to it in the end.


"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I spoke looking up at the person I bumped in to, only 5'2 so everyone was tall to me
"No problem sweetheart, I'm the one that should be saying sorry" he laughed
"Julian" he put his hand out for me to shake, I quickly swap hands with my phone and shake his hand
"Aria" he smiled, he was cute
"First day on the job?" I nodded "I think you did pretty great" he gave me a toothy grin
"Thanks, but I've got to go. Sophie is waiting we going out for drinks" he smiled
"See you around" he winked and went in the direction he was going.

the new cheerleader - Julian EdelmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang