Motivation: PAIN #61

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"Winner..." I nonchalantly said as I won for the last set of our game.
I got a score of eleven while he got no point at all.

"Why do you kept on playing this sport?" My friend asked me as we started to play another set of game.

"Maybe because it relaxes my mind?"

"A month ago, you lost a match when you represented our school on a tournament. That time, you can't even hit the ball right, but look at you now! Just wow!" I could see amusement on his eyes but still focused on our game and hitting the ball right.

"I was the one who trained you and I saw your improvements. So, tell me. What keeps you motivated? or shall I say, why do you love this sport so much?" His question made my heart skip a beat as I thought of what keeps me motivated.

"W-well? M-maybe b-because I want to win for my next game? Y-yeah! That's it! I want to win for my next match." I flashed a fake smile, trying to convince him but he doesn't seemed to be convinced on my answer.

"Don't fool me." He said while we're still playing.

"Shut up! I'm telling you the truth." I defensed.

"Then why did you stutter a while ago?"


"Don't ask as if you don't know the story behind my passion, You know who taught me how to play this a year ago. I wasn't even interested at all but he seems so happy whenever he teaches me how to play this freakin' sport. And seeing him happy soothes my soul..."

We continued playing, our eyes still fixated at the ball but we could sense the sad emotion filling the room we are in.

"And when he left me, I did nothing but to go back in our past through entering this room. Imagining a flashback playing in this room, where too teenagers are playing table tennis then after their light training, will hug each other as a power hug. Until I learned how to play this shit and now an official athlete of this sport."

He's just listening to my story while seriously hitting the ball but cannot hit it right whenever I smash it.

"So loving this sport means loving him still..."

I smashed the ball then scored eleven. I took a glance on the couple on the table next to ours. It was my ex, teaching his new girlfriend how to play table tennis.

The game he once taught me how to play, but he ended up playing with my feelings instead.

written on 09-25-2019 10:00-10:24 pm

A hundred and one broken pieces (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें