Lilly's Top 10 Favorite Characters (Including NPC) (Sorta)

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10. Jack Vincent- He has some of the best voice lines

9. Ultimis Takeo Masaki- Before you stop reading, he wasn't too bad. Sure, he was kinda bland but he was cool and important.

8. John F. Kennedy- He has some quotes that will go down in history as some of the most inspirational in BO1

7. Albert "Weasel" Arlington- He is like me, an outcast.

6. Scarlett Rhodes- She is Black Widow (Marvel) but with the attitude of Misty

5. Russman- Do I need to say anything?

4. My Boy Primis Takeo Masaki- He may be a bit bland but he can lift the group's spirits.

A Three Way Tie:

3. My Potato Boi Dr. Edward Richtofen- We all love our favorite sadistic man who is an insane demonic announcer and countless others

My Boi Tedd- I did say that I include NPCs. So yeah. He is the bus driver from Tranzit and he has the best quotes out of any NPC.

My Boi Primis "Tank" Dempsey- He is cute, down to earth, and still that wonderful man who shouts about America and...OORAH!!!

2. My Girl Abigail "Misty" Briarton- She reminds me of myself because she is southern (I think), a girl, and tomboy. She is the most interesting and the most badass female out of any COD.

1. My Fricken Boi Ultimis "Tank" Dempsey- He is your stereotypical American marine but if I were to list everything I love about him, we'd be here all night.

"K to the I to the A zomBITCH!!!!" - "Tank" Dempsey 2010.

(I wrote this almost a year ago and dear Lord this is cringy as shit. My opinions have changed obviously. And that quote, that's my favorite quote ever. I applaud Steve Blum for making Dempsey...Dempsey)

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