Lithuania x Poland 2

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The sentences that have been bracketed (  ) symbolise what that characters are thinking. Breaking the forth wall if I may say myself.

Author's pov

It had been about two months since Lithuania found out that Poland had been harming and starving himself. Poland now has been doing amazingly well, His scars had faded to the point where they where nearly gone although it would take a few more months or years to heal completely. And to add Poland had also gotten back to his usual weight.

Lithuania was more than ecstatic. To see Poland so healthy and so happy once again made Lithuania's world rotate again. Poland had gone back to wearing quite revealing clothes again but, Lithuania didn't care because the pole was finally comfortable with his own body and how it looked.


The brunette turned his head to look over at his office door. After a few seconds of silence the blonde skipped into the office room.

"Did you like not hear me?"

"Oh no I heard you. I was just waiting until you came in" Lithuania responded while smiling sweetly

"Oh ok" the blonde said confidently

"So what do you need??"

The blonde paused and a huge tint of red spread across Poland's face like wildfire. He held the hem of his skirt in embarrassment.

"I was actually wondering if you'd like want to come out with me somewhere totally"


Poland stood there thinking that he just blew all his chances with Lithuania, but he was wrong.

"Id love to" the Lithuanian stood up and walked over to the pole, he took his hands and linked them with his own. He looked down at him and kissed his forehead.

"After work?"

"M- uh- yeah" the blonde stuttered

"Alright then" the Lithuanian kept calm but inside his heart was going 100miles per hour.

*Time skip*

Lithuania's pov

I decided that I would go get Poland for our date, after all what gentlemen would I be if I didn't.

*Knock knock*

I only knocked twice since why would I need to knock any more times. Poland would most definitely hear those knocks.... Or so I thought. A minute goes by so I decided to go in, Poland did give me a spare key so hey it's a win-win situation.

I slip the key into my pocket and place down the roses on the table that looked somewhat neatly arranged, i also took my shoes off since Feliks would most likely scold me for walking around his house in quote "dirty" shoes. I walk up the the stairs fairly quietly since I wouldn't want to alert the pole that I'm coming to "perv" on him. Walking down a long hallway, I finally get to his room
His door was slightly opened which gave me more than enough eyeview of what was happening inside his room. (Now before I get called out for actually being a perverted person I can say that I didn't know that Feliks would be partially undressed..ok?)
I peak in to see Feliks half dressed and the rest on the floor scattered. Poland was wearing lingerie esk clothing and by clothing I mean undergarments. He wore shear black stockings that had been clipped to the underwear to hold it in place,and a red dress bunched around his waist. After a few seconds of Poland adjusting his stockings he finally pulled the dress down to reveal a open cut design going along side of his thigh. (Now I'm not going to lie but I just couldn't stop looking at Poland. Who would want to stop looking at a gorgeous sight like that!)

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