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1.) Dont be a complete and utter douchbag to me or anyone else on in this book. I dont like people like that and if you have a problem talk to me and dont start a fight.

2.) Tag me after an hour, i have a busy plate with my Instagram and my other account and im already on ans off alot so please be patient.

3.) Dont make your oc to op, if i cant niether can you. Its not fun when your character wins every single fight without getting one scratch.

4.) Include my oc, plase its not fun that i play other charaters and not my own.

5.) Smut is taken to pm, fluff is allowed in thooooooo.

6.) More then three words please, it keeps it going and interesting.

7.) The only crossover that i will allow is RWBY, like only the characters. No weapons, no semblances and that jazz.

Welp, those are the rules! If you don't like them then you dont have to do the rp then.

Skyrim RpOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz