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The baby heard a sound.

It was the dawn of a new day, and she had been drifting and rocking in the river for quite a while now.

Hungry and thirsty, the baby floated further downstream.

Out of the blue, a boar grabbed the edge of her basket by reaching down the riverbank, causing a bit of water to splash on her.

The baby looked up at the perpetrator; a furry, brown creature with fangs.

She wailed, but due to her hoarse throat from lack of water, no sound came out.

The boar dragged her and her basket out of the water, onto land, then carried it back to a cave.

The cave was dark, and she heard 3 more snorts.

There were 3 brown heads peering at her, with blue eyes.

She stared at them back.

While they were staring, there was a snore.

The baby turned her head, and saw another baby beside where she was placed.

This baby had black hair with blue tips, and emerald green eyes.

She reached her hand out to the other baby, and the other baby grabbed it with a bright smile on its face.

They giggled, and laughed at each other until her stomach growled with a pang of hunger.

The other baby looked at her in wonder, his innocent eyes wide.

'Is there another baby in her basket?'

There was a snort, and the boar mother came back with honey and food.

Luckily, the babies had both started to grow their teeth so they could consume slightly tougher meals. Every meal was a new challenge.

After eating, they slapped hands and giggled.

The boar mother nudged the boy baby's little pile of grass and hay closer to the girl's basket, and he sat up.

She did the same.

They looked at each other in wonder; this was their first meeting.

They slapped both hands together this time, in a double high-five.

The boar mother was feeding her actual children in the background, as these fools kept slapping hands together, staring at each other, and giggling.

After a few hours of just doing these three actions on a loop, and eating some more food in between, they grew a little sleepy.

The boy baby looked at his pile of grass, then looked at the girl's comfortable, well made basket with a warm, fuzzy scarf in it.

It looked at the girl, then the basket.

It pointed at the basket, then looked towards the girl.

The girl grinned, and scooted over in the basket to make space.

The boy baby crawled in, and laid down beside her. It was a little cramped though, so the girl laid on top of him.

With the scarf covering them, they quickly dozed off to sleep, happily in dreamland.

(If there are any mistakes or you have any suggestions for the plot, please message me or comment :) also, please vote~ it means the world to me, and it also lets me see if you guys are enjoying the story or not~ thank you 🐗)

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