"It is everybody's problem," Evelyn said

"Evelyn, I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and to bring you back. I have done that? End of job. End of story. Contract terminated." Ric said

As Ric is talking him and Evelyn are circling each other around the suitcase. Evelyn suddenly stopped.

"That's all I am to you? A contract?" Evelyn asked

"You can either tag along with me or you can stay here and try and save the world. What's it gonna be?" Ric asked

"I'm staying," Evelyn said



Ric heads to the door, but stops and looks at me.

"Are you relatives here?" Ric asked

I nodded my head.

"Take me to them," Ric said

I hopped off the bed. As we walking towards where they were staying, the Americans joined us.

"Where are you guys going?" the blonde asked

"It would seem Amara's relatives are staying in this hotel," Ric said

I heard a few guns cock, I walked up to the door and knocked. I could hear Vernon grumble from behind the door. Ric moves me behind him and holds his gun up. The door opens and Petunia looks scared shitless. Ric and the Americans push their way into the room, I stay behind Ric.

"What do you thugs want?" Vernon asked

Petunia sees me.

"You. Why won't you just die." Petunia said

The blonde American fires his gun it goes past her head and the bullet hits the wall. Petunia screams and Dudley starts to cry. Vernon takes a threating step towards me and Ric moves the guns so that it is pressed against his forehead.

"Do you have any paperwork on Amara?" Ric asked

"No, we don't have any paperwork on that freak. Only the letter that was left with it." Vernon said

"She is not a freak. She is a little girl." Ric said

"It's okay. They can think whatever they want of me. Because in a few hours they can see what happens when a 'freak' gets mad." I said

I could see that Ric understood what I was talking about.

"Listen and listen good. Amara will not be going back with you. If for some reason anyone comes looking for her you will tell them, that you gave her up for adoption because you were not able to take care of her. And if we find out that you said something else. I will find you and I will hurt you. Understand?" Ric asked

"Why you little," Vernon said

The other American fired his gun, this time the bullet whizzed past Dudley.

"Do. You. Understand?" Ric asked

"I understand," Vernon said

Ric turned and looked at Petunia.

"Yes, I understand." Petunia said

"Good. Amara do you have anything here?" Ric asked

"No. I have nothing here or there." I said

With that, we left the room.

"Go on back to Evelyn's room," Ric said

"Thank you," I said

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