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"Matt Kory, get your ass down here and do the god damn dishes!" my father yelled.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. " I said back. As I walked down my stairs from my room I saw my father standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Matt, what the hell have you been doing these past two hours?" he said a little calmer but still yelling.

"Uh...homework?" my voice raised in tone.

"Nice try but you always finish your homework at school. Go do the dishes and if I have to tell you again I will take away your...." he trailed off.

What was this about he never got of topic and always finished yelling at me before suggesting that we should order pizza. "Dad?" I paused. Still no reply. "Are you alright?"

"What...Oh, yeah I'm fine." He turned to go to the phone and started to sway. "What type of pizza do you want?"

"Meat lovers trio" I answered matter-o-factly.

Dad picked up the phone and dialed the pizza place's number. He started to order.

I looked at my father's eyes because he left all his emotions revealed in his eyes. All I saw were irritated, red eyes that look like they haven't seen sleep in days. He was also not standing strait like he always did.

What is wrong with you? Is it so bad that you can't tell me?

A door be interrupted my train of thoughts. "Pizza's here." My dad shouted.

"I'll get it." I answer the door and stood a pizza delivery guy. He was tall, looked my age and had bright green eyes that you could get lost in. "Hello" I answered.

"Yeah, did you order a meat lovers trio with garlic sauce and cheesy bread sticks?" his voice was low and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Sure did. Let me get the money real quick." He nodded his head and I walked to the counter. I grabbed the money and handed it to him.

He grabbed the money and pocketed it. He went to give back change but I interrupted his actions, "Keep the change."

"You sure? That's a ten dollar tip." he had pure shock in his voice.

"Positive. Why do I not look like a generous person. Because I often give huge tips to random pizza delivery guys quite often..." I paused. "That sounded a lot better in my head.

"No I found it funny." He said trying to contain his laughter. "I just might have to deliver more pizza then. "

"But I have to order it first." I said quietly and confused.

"Oh right." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Wow guess he heard me.

"Thanks for the pizza."

"Oh, no problem." He then walked away and got into his car and drove away.

"Matt? Did you get the pizza?" my dad said walking in. Clumsy and tipsy might I add.

"Yeah. Here it is." I said raising the pizza in a 'tada' form.

"Alright, let's dig in."

About 45 minutes passed and three-fourths of the pizza was finished.

"I'm stuffed." I moaned while patting my stomach.

"Ditto," dad say mimicking my actions.

"I'm going to bed." I said getting up out of my chair.

"Did ya do the dishes?"

"Uh crap no I didn't. Sorry, I'll do them in the morning."

My dad got up so fast out of his chair that it flew backwards. "NO! YOU DO THEM RIGHT NOW!" he yelled making my head pound.

I was stunned. But I walked over and did them quickly but effectively.

Dad grabbed my arm and turned me around. "I told you to do them before. Next time better be better or I WILL punish you!"

"Dad, their just dishes. I said I would do them in the morning." as soon as I said that I regretted it.

It happened all to fast. The rising of the hand, then the lowered then the SLAP.

I raised my hand slowly to the stinging place on my face. "I apologize for my misbehavior." I said quietly and walked up to my room and flung myself onto to bed.

Why did he hit me? I know my father is stricken but he would never hit me. What made him do it now? Will he do it again?


Okay this will be a new story that I will be writing regularly, or try to. On that note, I will have more free time because soccer season is over and I now longer have after school activities.

For this story I really want votes, comments and suggestions. If you do not like this story, please tell me what I can do the fix it or add something you like to try and add you likings to this.

And FYI I am not able to please everyone of you. So please do it hate if you don't like a chapter or anything of that matter.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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