Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Today, I planned to meet Niall again. And yeah, maybe it wouldn’t go great. But still, I wanted to see him.

Niall had been my boyfriend for about 6 months when I was 18, but we didn’t last any longer than that. A while after I got involved with drugs and never talked to him again.

Well, until now.

I woke up to Harry cuddled into my side, making it sting a bit. But I didn’t mind, it was a good kind of sting.

Last night I did a lot of thinking.

I thought about Niall, and his new girlfriend. I wonder if she was pretty… Niall sure did seem to like her. Demi was her name if I remembered correctly. That sounds cute, Niall and Demi.

I thought about how Harry and I are rushing into things, and how we need to slow down. Next thing I know I’ll be having sex with the guy.

I thought about a boy named Zayn I used to know. He was my friend for a long time, ever since preschool. We stopped talking when I was about 17. He was my absolute best friend I’d ever had, and I trusted him with everything.

I soon felt Harry stir a bit, making me smile. He was for sure awake. “Harry?” I whispered, making Harry grown. “Liam?” He mocked, making me feel stupid. Harry wasn’t the nicest person in the mornings.

“Well that’s not very nice.” I said, “Well that’s not very nice.” Harry repeated back in the same mocking tone as before.

“Harry, knock it off.” I groaned, “Harry, knock it off.” He groaned in the same exact tone as me.

A while later, and after several arm punches, he stopped. I rolled my eyes, standing from the bed. “I’m going to meet Niall at a café down the street. You going to be alright by yourself?” I questioned, smirking slightly at the jealous look Harry got on his face. “Oh yeah, just dandy.” He said angrily, making me chuckle and nod.

I got dressed and raced down the pavement. Shit, I was going to be late. I stopped in front of the small glass doors, pushing them open and walking into an empty coffee shop. Empty, except for one person.

“Niall!” I exclaimed, walking up to him and smiling. “LiLi!” He chimed, motioning for me to sit down. I sat with a smirk, “Really? Bringing back the old nickname from Grade 8?” I questioned, making him smile. “Yuppers!” He chirped, making me laugh. “So how have you been?” I questioned, making him smirk. “I’ve been good. I uh… I talked to Zayn recently.” He mentioned, making me frown. “Zayn, eh? How’s he been? Still the Bradford Bad Boy?” I questioned, making Niall laugh. “If by that you mean is he still a pussy, than yes. He is still the Bradford Bad Boy.” Niall said, making me laugh hysterically.

After a while we decided we wanted to go to his place, so we drove there in Niall’s small car. Soon enough he pulled up in front of a large flat, with shiny windows and nice red curtains. I nodded smiling widely, “Looks really nice!” I said honestly. He nodded, pulling into his garage. “So, does Demi live with you?” I questioned, making him grin. “Nah, we’ve only been dating for about two months now.” He admitted. I just nodded and followed him inside the house.

It was nice on the inside. It had light wood floors and dark grey walls. Niall looked around, smiling at me. “Well… here’s Casa De’ Niall!” He exclaimed, making me chuckle.

We each sat down on the couch, making small talk, like ‘How much are the bills?’ and ‘Do you like living here?’

After a while, Niall seemed kind of nervous, and almost statue like. He had a thin layer of sweat on his face, and it looked like he had just said something he regretted.

“Um… are you alright Niall?” I questioned, staring at him nervously. “Y-yeah,” He said, stuttering slightly. “Uh, Liam?” He called, making me look at him. “Yeah…” I whispered, staring at him intently.

“Do you ever, like… Miss the way we were?” He asked, making me raise my eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean? Like, really close?” I questioned, just not quite getting it. “No… I mean like… a couple.” He finally managed out, looking at me nervously.

I shrugged, giving him the, ‘Where the fuck are you going with this?’ look. Before I could even move, Niall was kissing me harshly and slightly grinding against me. A gasped, not kissing back.

I pulled myself back quickly, looking at Niall like he had just raped me. “Niall! What the fuck are you doing? We broke up years ago!” I exclaimed, making him roll his eyes. He began to kiss me, and I pulled back yet again. “NIALL! YOU HAVE GIRLFRIEND!” I yelled, staring at him with wide eyes. “Don’t care about that either.” He said simply, before returning his lips to mine.

“You- YOU’RE STRAIGHT!” I shouted as I pulled back once again. I saw tears pool up in Niall’s eyes. “No… I’m not.” He said, finally getting off of me and sitting back down on the couch. “What do you mean you’re not straight? That’s why we broke up.” I reminded him, making him frown. “No… I’m not straight… no, yes I am. Wait, no I’m not. Yes I am. I can’t be gay; it’s not good to be gay.” He said to himself, making me frown.

“Niall, I’m sorry you’re unhappy with whom you are, but making out with me isn’t going to solve anything.” I said coldly, making him even sadder.

“Liam, I need your help. I need you to be here for me, and to help me.” He said somberly, a tear streaming down his cheek.

I should’ve felt sympathy. I should’ve felt bad for the boy, and I should’ve felt compassion to help him.

But I didn’t. I felt anger, and rage. “Niall, you’re asking me to do something for you that you never did for me. When I needed you more than anyone, you were never there. So why should I be there for you?”  I questioned bitterly, making him cry. “I-I’m sorry Liam. You’re right, I should’ve been there 24/7 for you, and I wasn’t, and I’m sorry, but I can’t change the past. But I can be there for you in the future Liam, and I can change, and that’s a promise, but I am BEGGING you. I need help.” He pleaded, several tears streaming down his red cheeks.

“I’m sorry Niall; I’ll have to think about it. I’ll call you in a few days, yeah?” I said, more as a statement. I walked to and out the front door, leaving a crying Niall alone. I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.

I don’t get what Niall wanted help with. Did he want me to help him love himself for who he is? Did he want me to make him get over his feelings for me? Did he want me to help him be straight? Because I sure as hell can’t do that last part. No one could.

I loved Niall, but not like that. I didn’t love anyone like that.

Yes, Harry was my boyfriend, but I didn’t love him. Not yet, anyway. We had only been dating for about a week.

Love took months, and even years for some people, not a few weeks.

So no, I don’t love Harry yet. But I’m positive I will love him, eventually.

Don’t really have anything to say about this one other than to enjoy! Please vote and comment! I love you guys dearly! :) Xx

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