"Do you want me to fail Kyle? If you do, keep lying to my face. This entire play is a disaster. Nine weeks from opening night and bloody Greg cancels on me, as if I can pull another lead out of thin air! I burned so many bridges choosing him over Josh Sands, I can't go crawling back!" she said, throwing something to the stage floor.

The sound boomed loud enough that I paused my music, shoving the scraper into my pocket.

"What if you change the–"

"I'm not changing the script, Kyle. That is one thing I won't budge on," Bella cut in, tough.

I shifted onto my knees to get a clear view of the pair, remaining hidden from their view with the stage lighting set so low.

"Spence is going to be pissed when he finds out you know,"

"Whatever. This is payback for last Halloween. My cousin can apologize all he wants but you and I both know karma hasn't been collected yet."

"You're evil."

Bella let out a sigh, scratching the side of her head as she glanced down at the scattered paper at her feet. "Evil and totally screwed. What am I going to do? Dress rehearsals start soon and I'm missing a leading man."

It was that moment that my scraper decided to come loose from my pocket, slamming against the metal edge of the chair on its way down.

Both pairs of eyes snapped my way as I sheepishly got to my feet, waving the tool of evil.

"Sorry," I called down to them.

"You're still here?" Bella remarked, boredom passing across her features.

If she didn't come across so high maintenance she would definitely be a girl worth taking a second look at, face delicate but mouth a little on the sinful side. She had curves, not the obnoxious kind, but the superiority reflected back in her eyes killed any lustful drive I could've had for her.

"Part of the requirements." I shrugged back, ready to get back to work.

"You an actor?" Kyle spoke up suddenly.

Both Bella and I shot him stupefied looks.

"Kyle, don't be a moron. The guy's obviously a janitor," she scoffed, turning to her friend in disbelief.

Kyle flushed, voice lowered as he responded, but not enough since the room's acoustics picked up every word he said.

"What? The guy's hot, and if he can act then your problem is solved."

"Uh, I'm right here," I said, mildly uncomfortable at the way Bella suddenly spun my way and oogled.

Quickly she marched towards the wings, flicking a switch and flooding the room with lights so bright I threw an arm over my eyes, swearing under my breath.

"Huh," she said, quiet as she walked back to Kyle's side. "You sure know how to pick a face, Ky. I swear it's your superpower."

"What can I say, beauty calls my attention," he remarked and I blanched, very much aware they were still talking about me.

"Well?" Bella asked, turning fully my way and cutting off any hard remark I was about to make.

"Well, what?"

"Do you?" At my blank look, Bella threw her eyes back in a hard roll, adding, "Act? Or is scrubbing the floor your only character trait?"

"Wow. No, I'm not an actor. Just trying to complete my hours. Not sure I'm even allowed to talk on the job, Han might not count the time as work-related."

Prince Charmings (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now