New Life and New Lies

Start from the beginning

"Hey Chaun, it's Chester."

I felt the baby shifting, and an intense pain ripped through the lower half of my body.
I cried out, both hands on my stomach.
"Yes, she's in labor. She just had her first contraction." he said, focusing on the road.
The pain lasted a minute, then subsided, and I relaxed again.
"Yeah, we'll see you there, bye." he dropped his phone in his lap, "Are you okay Mickey?" he asked, reaching over to squeeze my hand.
"I'm fine sweetheart." I assured him, breathing heavily.
"Chauntelle and Derek are going to meet us at the hospital. She's calling your dad." He told me.
"Mike and Kayla will meet us there too." I replied.

We arrived at the hospital, and he helped me into a wheelchair, wheeling me into the maternity ward.
"My wife is in labor." he told the nurse.
"Okay, I'll take her back." she replied.
"Babe, I'm going to go park the car, I'll be back in a minute, okay?" He kissed me.
"Go ahead love. I think it's still going to be awhile before she comes anyway." I replied, just as another contraction started.
I groaned, and squeezed his hand in mine.
"She's going to be fine, sweetie." the nurse told him, smiling.
Again, the pain subsided, and I looked up at him, "She's right, go on. I'll see you in the delivery room." I told him.

The nurse turned me around and wheeled me back to the delivery room, helping me change into a gown and starting an I.V in my arm.
"So, are you going to want the epidural?" she asked, propping my feet up in the stirrups.
"No, I can do it, thank you." I replied.
"Okay. Dr. Burns is on his way right now. Hang tight sweetheart." she smiled.

Chester rushed in, "Are you okay?" he asked.
"We're fine baby. The doctor is on his way." I told him.

Just then, the door opened and a man with gray hair walked in, "Good morning everyone, my name is Dr. Terry Burns, I am the obstetrician on staff today, and I'll be ensuring that you have a smooth delivery and a healthy baby." He shook both of our hands, then retreated to the end of the bed, where he scooted a rolling stool, up and flipped on a light.
"So, what are your names?" he asked, casually flipping my gown up.
"Chester and Michelle Bennington, sir." I replied.
"Nice to meet you both, looks like you're dilated to a two, and only 10% effaced, so you still have a ways to go, is there anything I can do to make you comfortable?" he asked, switching the light off.
"No thank you, I'm fine." I replied.
"Alright sweetheart, well I'll be in and out checking on your progress, and when it's go time, we'll have ourselves a baby. Do you know the gender?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
"It's a girl." I smiled.
"Girls are wonderful, I have three of them myself. Carlie, Kellie, and Chloe. The teenage years were rough, but now they're all off to college, and I miss them every day." He smiled.
I opened my mouth to reply, when another contraction hit, and I squeezed the bedrail until it passed.
I sighed and looked back up, "I'm the youngest of six, I have two sisters and three brothers." I said.
"I'm the middle child of three. Older brother, little sister." Chester added.
"Well, sounds like you both have quite the support system behind you." He said.
"Well, my three oldest siblings and I haven't been on speaking terms for about two years now, and my mom hasn't been in my life since I was a kid. But my dad and my brother and sister are very supportive." I said.
"Well, that's what really matters." Dr. Burns smiled.
"I haven't talked to my family since my mother passed away three years ago. My dad doesn't even know that I'm married, let alone having a baby." Chester said.
"Maybe." I reminded him.
He nodded, "Right, maybe."
Dr. Burns cocked his head to the side, "Maybe?"
I was breathing through another contraction, that lasted longer than the last, "Well, we had a hiccup earlier in our relationship, and I was with someone else for a little while. So, we're not entirely sure of the paternity of the baby." I fibbed a little.
"Well, these things happen. Has the other gentleman been notified?" he asked.
Just then the door opened, and Mike walked in, "Hey sweetheart, how are we doing?" he asked.
"I'm doing fine. Mike, this is Dr. Burns. Dr. Burns, this is Mike, the gentleman we were just speaking of." I said.
Mike shook his hand, "Nice to meet you sir, where are we at?" he asked.
"Well, about ten minutes ago when I checked, she wasn't very far along, but we'll give her another forty five minutes or so, and we'll check again." he said.
"Great." Mike nodded.
"So, if you'd like, we can perform a blood paternity test as soon as the baby is born." Dr. Burns said.
"Yes please, we'd really like to know." I smiled.
"Certainly. While you're waiting, the three of you can fill out the necessary paperwork." He nods, and leaves the room.

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