There's Nowhere To Go But Up.

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We flew home that same day, and went straight to the doctor when we landed.
I was sitting in the waiting room nervously fidgeting with my car keys while Chester picked at his fingernails.
"Michelle Bennington?"
We both stood and followed the nurse into the room.
"Dr. Baldwin will be with you both soon, in the meantime I'm going to check your vital signs." She said.
I was absolutely terrified, lying on that table.
Dr. Baldwin came in, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Bennington, I understand you think you're pregnant?" He asked.
I nodded, "I took three home pregnancy tests that came out positive, so here I am."
"From how I hear it, you delivered a stillborn daughter about two months ago, is that right?"
I nodded slowly, "Which is why I'm terrified, because I don't want to lose another baby." I said.
"Well it's understandable to be scared, but I'm sure that this time around things will be fine.
Let's start with a urine test to make sure, and we'll get the ball rolling from there." He smiled.

Twenty minutes later, he returned, "Well, the test came back 100% positive so you are pregnant, congratulations. Now, let's have a look see at the little one, so we can figure out a due date." He pulled the ultrasound machine over to the bedside and had me lift my shirt.
"So, how long have you two kids been married?" He asked.
"Four months." I replied.
"And were you planning to have kids after you got married?" He asked spurting cold goo on my stomach.
"Well we got pregnant before we got married, and we were really unsure if we wanted kids yet, then we lost her, and we decided to wait a few years to get pregnant again, but obviously God had other plans." I said.
Dr. Baldwin smiled, "He works in mysterious ways, doesn't he? It seems that by some divine power, you two were meant to have a baby, because there it is." He nodded toward the screen.
I saw the little speck with the flicker in the middle and I felt tears on my face, "Look at that." Chester smiled.
"So, judging by baby's size, I'd say you're around six weeks, putting your due date somewhere around March." He said.
"Six weeks?" Chester asked.
"Yes sir. Meaning you got pregnant almost immediately after you lost your first baby." He said.
"Two weeks after." I said.
"Well, you two wasted no time." Dr. Baldwin laughed.
I laughed nervously, looking up at Chester.
"So, we'll print out some pictures and send you two on your way to start preparing. Congratulations, and good luck." he smiled and left the room.
"So, Do I have a phone call to make, or not?" I asked.
He shrugged, "Baby, that's up to you. If you want to tell him, tell him. If not, I'll support you." He kissed my forehead.
I sighed, "Maybe just keep it to ourselves for now. It's really considered bad luck to announce the pregnancy before the second trimester." I sat up and he handed me a towel to wipe my stomach off.
"How long is the first trimester again?" he asked.
"Date of conception to twelve weeks." I answered, getting off the table.
"Well that means we have to keep this a secret for six weeks." he handed me my purse.
"Yeah, but we'll be okay. I don't figure Mike will be bothering us much since I shot him down, and nobody else will have to know until we tell them." I shrugged, opening the door.
"So, there's a baby in there again." he said looking down.
I nodded, "Yeah, there's a baby in there again. Let's take better care of this one." I turned and walked down the hall.

I hadn't heard from Michelle since the day before they'd left for their honeymoon, and to be honest it was killing me not knowing if she was okay.
Kayla was living with me again, and we'd been doing really well.
Right now, she was decorating the nursery for the baby, who was set to arrive in three months.
I picked up my phone and dialed, going outside and closing the door behind me.
I doubted she'd even answer, but was pleasantly surprised when I heard her voice, "Hello?"
"Michelle, hey." I said.
"Hey what's up?" she asked.
"You sound cheerful." I said.
"Just had a good time in Italy, that's all." She replied.
"Oh you're back already? I thought you guys were staying three weeks." I said.
"Well we were going to, but the trip had to be cut short." She said.
"Why, is everything okay?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, it's fine. We loved Italy, we just got homesick is all. We're both eleven days clean and sober though. It's been tough, but the worst is over now." She said.
"Well that's really good. I'm really, really happy for both of you." I said
"Thank you. We're really putting forth an effort this time." She sounded really happy.
"So Italy was great?" I asked.
"Italy was amazing. I ate so much pasta I gained ten pounds, which I'll be spending the next three weeks trying to get rid of." She laughed.
"Yeah, pasta will do that to you." I laughed.
"Mike, where are you?" Kayla called through the house.
"Well I just wanted to check on you, but I have to get going. I'm glad everything's going well for you guys." I said.
"Thank you Mike. I'll call and chat with you again soon. Take care." She hung up.
I went back in the house, "Here I am, babe." I called.
"Where'd you get off to?" She kissed me.
"Phone call. Work stuff." I said.
She smiled and turned around to go into the kitchen, "So, how's Michelle?"
"Mike, I'm not dumb. You NEVER take work calls outside. That was Michelle." She said.
"I just called to check on her. I know I shouldn't care, but I still worry about her." I said.
"I know. I can't expect you not to. I also know that you are really trying to let her go, but that the amount of love and concern you have for her isn't just going to vanish overnight. It is going to take some time. But you're trying." she smiled.

I hadn't expected a phone call from Mike, but I thought I handled it well.
I put the phone down and started folding laundry.
Chester was in the bedroom cleaning up so he could set up the crib, because we never actually got around to doing it the first time I was pregnant.
"So now we have to think of names, you know." I called.
"I know, babe." he called.
The doorbell rang and I stood up, "Just a sec!" I went to answer it.
It was my sister, of course.
"How'd you know we were home?" I asked, letting her in.
"I saw the car in the driveway. Where's Chester?" She sounded like she still held a little grudge over what happened to Bailee, since Chester thought it was a good idea to tell her.
"He's back there cleaning the bedroom." I said.
"Hey Chester!" She called.
"Hey Chaun, be out in a second!" He called back.
"You want some tea or coffee?" I asked.
"Coffee if you've got it." She sat down.
I poured a cup and gave it to her, sitting next to her.
"So how are you guys doing?" She asked.
"We're fine. Eleven days sober and taking it one day at a time." I said smiling.
"That's good, I'm proud of both of you. I haven't completely decided if I'm glad that you're back together yet, but I am glad that you're clean." she said.
"Chaun, he made a mistake. We both have made many of them, but we love each other and we're doing what we have to do to make things better. We love each other and we've forgiven each other for our slips." I said.
"Just don't do anything else stupid." She said.
"Relax. I'm done with the stupid shit. No more drugs, no more alcohol, and no more sex with anyone other than my husband. It's time for me to grow up and act like it." I said.
She gave me a confused look, dropped her head into her hands and groaned, "Oh god, you're pregnant again."
"Wait, what?!" I asked, looking at her.
"Michelle, that's exactly how I'd expect you to act if you got pregnant again after what happened, also, you're glowing and you're getting fat again." She shrugged.
"I'm glowing? And fat??" I picked up my shirt and looked at my stomach.
"Just a little rounder in the face, is all. But the glow is noticable. How far along are you?" she asked.
I sighed, "Six weeks. We weren't going to announce it to anyone until after the first trimester." I said.
"When'd you find out?" She asked.
"Yesterday morning in Italy." I answered.
"Wow. Six weeks. So that means you got pregnant literally right after you lost Bailee." She said.
I ducked my head, "Yeah, two weeks after give or take a day." I sighed.
"Sounds like you. So who's the father of the baby?" she asked casually.
I looked up, sniffling, "I don't know. It's either one or the other." I replied, not surprised at her question.
"What does Mike think about it?" She asked.
"Mike doesn't know that I'm pregnant with what's possibly his child." I looked down the hall at the closed bedroom door.
"So are you going to tell him? Or let the kid come out looking like him and let him figure it out for himself?" She asked.
"I'm going to tell him in six weeks when we're out of the woods, and we''ll find out at the birth who the baby's father is, and go from there."
"If it's Mike's, are you going to be with him instead?" She asked.
"No, absolutely not. We're just going to co-parent our child as civil friends." I said.
"And you really think that's going to work?" She asked.
"It has to. I'm married to Chester and I love him. I just made a mistake." I shrugged.
"Okay, first of all, don't ever let this kid know that you consider it a mistake, and secondly, how is Chester going to take it if the baby isn't his?" she asked.
I looked down the hall again, "I don't know. I know that he wants it to be, but there's a chance that it isn't. He seems okay with the fact that it may not be his baby, but I know that he's going to love both of us either way." I said.
"You've really, really made a mess this time, haven't you?" She said.
"Don't I always?" I laughed.
"So, Mike and Kayla are having a baby boy in three months, and there's a chance you're having his baby in eight and a half months. Wow."
"Yes Chauntelle, I realize the gravity of the situation that I'm in, and frankly it's not helping me sleep at night." I sighed heavily.
"Do you regret it?" she asked.
I looked up, "Regret what? Having sex with Mike? Well, no not really, because he does love me and he's really good to me. At the time, I really did think he was the one, he was it. But now looking back, I realize that I was doing what I always do, I was looking for love in all the wrong places, pretending that I hadn't already found it with someone really special. I don't regret being with Mike, or this baby, no matter who the daddy is, I just wish I could've stopped making mistakes before I made this mess." I said shaking my head.
"Sister girl, you can't go back, and you can't undo what's been done, so it's time to put on your big girl panties and deal with it. We're not kids anymore." She told me with a shrug.
I stopped folding clothes and gave her a look, "I know, Chauntelle."
The bedroom door opened and Chester walked into the living room, "Hi Chauntelle." He smiled, sitting beside me and putting his arm around me.
"So, congratulations." She smiled at him.
He looked at me, shocked.
"You told her?!" he asked.
I shook my head, "No, she sniffed it out. She's like a blood hound with a nose for fertilized eggs." I gave her a look.
"And I'm also aware of the fact that in true Michelle fashion, she doesn't know who the father of the baby is." she added.
"So you did tell her that part." Chester looked at me again.
"Nope. She didn't have to tell me anything, I know that my sister is kind of a slut." Chauntelle shrugged.
I didn't want to, but I smiled, "Thanks Chauntelle."
"No problem Mickey Mouse, just no more spreading your legs for everyone that calls you pretty, okay? It'll save a lot of heartache and stress on your part." She patted my leg and stood up.
"I already told you, I've changed. I'm not that girl anymore. I'm going to be someone's mom now." I said smiling at Chester.
"Irregardless, someone is going to be a dad because you can't keep your legs shut,and in eight months or so, we'll find out who the lucky daddy is." she turned to walk toward the door.
"Bitch!" I called after her.
"Slut!" She called back.
"I love you Chaun Bon." I said.
She turned and smiled, "Love you too Mickey Mouse. Bye. Bye Chester!" She called as she closed the door.
"Bye." he said laughing.
I stood up to put up clothes and he grabbed my hand, pulling me back, "You are quite the little slut, aren't you?" he smiled up at me.
I smiled, giggling, "I suppose so."
He pulled me down on top of him, "And you know I like it that way."
I chuckled, "Not literally."
"No, don't have sex with anyone else." he said laughing again.

-Six Weeks Later-
I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV with my feet on the new coffee table.
Chester has finally gone back to work, and I haven't found crap myself.
I was stuffing my face with cinnamon rolls, drinking milk, and flipping through channels when my sister showed up.
"I see you're really watching your figure." She flopped down next to me on the couch, taking a cinnamon roll off the plate.
"Please, we both know I won't gain any weight." I shrugged.
"I know, you freak of nature." She rolled her eyes.
"It's called a metabolism, Chauntelle." I replied.
"So, how's the baby?" she asked.
"It's in there. Growing normally and such." I shrugged, taking another drink of my milk.
"Hubby working again?" she asked.
I nodded, "They'll be gone all week. I'm all alone until next Saturday." I said.
"Aw, you need your sister to come have a sleepover like when we were kids?" She asked.
"You don't have to. I've been alone before and done fine." I said changing the channel.
"Yeah, we remember what happened the last time you were alone." She laughed at me.
"Again, and for the billionth time, I'm not that girl anymore." I said.
"I know, I know. What are you watching?" she asked.
"Friends again." I said.
"Is this what you do all day? Watch TV and eat?" She asked, giving me a look.
I shook my head, putting my plate on the table, "No, sometimes I masturbate." I said licking my fingers.
"Okay, gross, I didn't need to know about that." She scooted away from me, laughing.
"Why, it's a perfectly normal thing. You act like you've never done it." I said taking my plate to the sink.
"Well, everyone does it, but they don't tell their sisters about it." She followed me, sitting at the table."
"Well, would you all rather I satisfy my sexual needs by sleeping with another man?" I asked.
"No, because as we've established, that's what got you in this fine mess after all." Chauntelle said.
"Exactly, so shut up and leave me alone." I put the kettle on the stove to boil water.
"Whatever." she rolled her eyes.
"So, how far along are you now?" She asked.
"Twelve weeks. We find out the baby's gender next month." I said.
"What are you hoping for?" she asked.
"I want a boy, and Chester wants another girl, but we've agreed that as long as the baby is healthy, it doesn't matter what it is." I said.
"So, have you told Mike yet?" She asked.
I shook my head, "Not yet. We haven't spoken much." I replied.
"Well Kayla is about to burst, have you seen her?" She asked.
I nodded, "I saw her the day the boys left. She's really excited." I said.
"How do you think it's going to play out when you do tell him?" She asked.
"I don't know. At this point I can't predict how he'll react, but he deserves to know, so." I shrugged.
"You gonna tell him when they get back?" She asked.
"I don't know yet. I want to talk to Chester about it first." I said.
"Well you're already pooching, so you'd better get on the ball before he notices that you've got a basketball under your shirt." She said poking my stomach.
"As of right now, it just looks like I ate too many donuts." I giggled.
"So, I came over here to take you to lunch, but you just ate an entire can of pillsbury cinnamon
rolls like a starving ethiopian child, so you wanna go shopping?" she asked.
I smiled, "Thanks Chaun, but this morning sickness is kicking my ass, in about ten minutes I'll be puking up those cinnamon rolls. I have to stay close to a toilet, but maybe we can have dinner tonight." I shrugged.
"Sounds good. I'll call first so I don't walk in on you going to town on yourself with a dildo." she teased.
I laughed, "I do it in the bedroom with the door closed anyway, and I don't have a dildo." I poured water into a mug for tea.
"Right, sorry I forgot your husband is hung like a horse. No silicone wanna-be could measure up to that." She turned to pick up her purse.
"Chauntelle, shut up!" I laughed.
"I love you, slut!" She walked out the door.
I chuckled and shook my head.

I was washing the dishes and trying to clean up the house when Chester called.
"Hi honey." I chimed happily.
"Hi baby, I miss you." he sighed.
"I miss you too, baby. How's it going?" I asked.
"It's going great. We're really getting somewhere here." he said.
"That's good, I'm so happy to hear that." I said.
"How's the baby?" He asked.
"It's there. Making me throw up everything I eat and sleep like I just went on an all night bender, but that's what they're supposed to do." I said.
"I know, but it'll all be worth it when the baby is here." He said.
"I know, I actually wanted to talk to you about that. It's been six weeks, and we're out of the first trimester, so I think I should tell Mike about the baby. I was planning on telling him when you guys get home." I said.
"Baby, I already told you that if you want to tell him, I'd support you. If you didn't tell him, I'd support you. It's completely up to you." he said.
"I think he deserves to know. If the roles were reversed and I'd stayed with him, I'd still have told you about the baby." I said.
"Then I support you Michelle, and I love you." he said.
"Thanks, I love you too baby." I told him.
"So, how are you doing over there all alone?" he asked.
"Well, I haven't popped open a bottle of wine or slept with anyone else since you've been gone, so I think I'm doing pretty good." I said.
"Good. I'm proud of you." He said.
"I'm trying my best to do better."
"How are you holding up without me, huh?" he asked.
"You mean the lack of sex? Well that's what I've got hands and a vibrator for." I shrugged.
"Oh god, next time you do that, you have to send me pictures." he groaned.
I giggled, "I will babe, Chauntelle and I are going to have dinner tonight, and when I get home, I'll probably take a shower and treat myself." I said.
"I really wish I were there right now, I miss you so much." he said.
"I know baby, I miss you too. But it's only eight more days and then you'll be home." I said.
I heard a voice in the background, then the phone changing hands, "Hey sweetheart." Mike said.
"Hi honey." I replied.
"How are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm fine, how are you?" I asked.
"Doing well, getting some work done." he replied.
"That's really good. How's Kayla and Milo?" I asked.
"She's doing really well, Milo is growing like he's supposed to." He said.
"That's wonderful to hear. I'm happy for both of you." I said.
"Thank you. I'm really glad you and Chester are doing better." He said.
"Yeah, listen, if it's okay with you guys, I want to come up there tomorrow, because I need to talk to Chester." I fibbed a little bit to get him on board.
"Sure, that'd be fine. Is everything okay?" he asked.
"Oh yeah, everything is fine, I just miss him, that's all. I'll take an hour of his time, tops and then I'll be on my way." I said.
"You don't have to explain to me, I get it. He'll be thrilled to see you. He talks about you all the time. He really, really misses you." He said.
"I really, really miss him too." I sighed.
"I know you do, that's why you need to come see him." he said.
"Mike, come on, we gotta get back to work!" Chester called.
"Okay, I'm coming!" he called back.
"Quit hogging my wife, you had your time with her, give me that back."
The phone changed hands, "Hey baby, I gotta go but I'll call you tomorrow." he said.
"No need, I'm going to drive out and visit you for a couple of hours. I miss you." I said.
He chuckled, "Your vibrator isn't quite doing what I can, is it?"
I smiled, "Well, no. But I just wanted to see your face, and say hi to the guys." I said.
"Sounds great, just give me a call when you get into town."
"I will. I love you sweetheart." I said.
"I love you too, baby. Bye."

I hung up and looked around the room.
My eyes landed on a picture from our wedding day.
We looked so happy, and I could see the outline of my baby bump in my white dress.
Chester's smile was so genuine and happy that it brought a smile to my face.
His arm was around my waist, holding me close.
The picture hanging next it was Chester and I right after I got out of the hospital after my accident.
We looked very happy and in love.
Because I hadn't ruined our relationship yet.

Eventually I got up and cooked myself some food, ate dinner and went to bed.

In the morning I awoke to the alarm clock in my ear.
I shut it off and rolled over, going back to sleep.
When I woke up again, the house was hot, I was drenched in sweat and felt like I couldn't breathe.
I got out of bed and checked the thermostat.
It was set to 70 degrees but it was showing the temperature to be 102.
"What in the hell?" I groaned.
I turned the unit off and called Chester.
It rang several times but he didn't answer.
"Shit." I hung up and opened all the windows in the house with all the ceiling fans on.
I changed clothes and went outside to look at the unit.
I couldn't see anything wrong with it, and I knew nothing about taking it apart, so I gave up and went back inside.
I stripped down to my underwear and bra and laid on the couch with a pedestal fan pointed directly on me.
Three hours passed and it got hotter until I couldn't take it anymore.
I got dressed, grabbed my purse and got in the car.
Thirty minutes later, my phone rang.
"Hey baby." Chester said.
"Are you just now waking up?" I asked.
"Uh, Yeah.' He answered slowly.
"Why?" I glanced at the time.
"We were up until four this morning working." He said.
"Wow. Get anything done?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, tons. We're really making progress." He said.
"That great baby. I'm actually headed your way." I said.
"Already? I figured it'd be later on this afternoon." He said.
"Well I planned on finishing laundry and stuff before coming, but I can't be in the house anymore. The air conditioning isn't working and it's over 100 degrees in the house. I tried to tough it out but I couldn't handle it."
"What's wrong with the air conditioning?" He asked.
"I don't know. I couldn't see anything wrong, but I wasn't about to take it apart to try and figure it out." I said.
"Okay baby, just relax. I'll call the HVAC guy to come look at it. In the meantime you can just stay out here with me until it's fixed." He said.
"Babe I don't want to be in the way, and I didn't bring any clothes." I said.
"You will not be in the way, and you can just buy some clothes, it'll only be one or two days I'm sure." He said.
"Shouldn't you run this by the guys?" I asked.
"Hey guys. My air conditioning quit at home and Michelle is burning up, is it okay if she comes and stays with us until it gets fixed?"
I heard resounding yes from every one of them.
"See, told you it would be okay with them. Get your cute ass over here, I miss you anyway." He said.
I smiled, "I miss you too babe. I'm about 45 minutes away. I'll see you as soon as possible." I said.
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too, Chester."
I stopped and grabbed some clothes and snacks and thirty minutes later I pulled up to the cabin.
I got out of the car and popped the trunk.
I was leaning down to grab my bags when I felt two hands on my hips, "Hi baby."
I stood up smiling and kissed him, "Hi sweetheart." I said."
"I missed you." He said.
"I missed you too." I replied
Everyone else came to greet us and caught us in the middle of making out on the trunk of the car.
"Hello." Joe said.
I detached from my husband and hugged them, Including Mike, "Hi guys. It's been a long time."
"You look much better than the last time we saw you." Brad commented.
"I should hope so, I'm clean and sober and...happy." I almost told on myself before I planned to.
"Well good. We're glad that you're both back to normal." Dave smiled.
"Let's get inside it's hot out here." Mike said.
"That reminds me. Did you call the HVAC guys?" I asked Chester.
"Yes, they're going to work on the unit now. I gave them the code to the garage since you're here, but we'll have to change it after they get done." He said.
"Good. It's like an oven in there." I said.
"Coming from someone who grew up in the north. You don't know hot until you've lived in Phoenix." Chester said.
"It's too hot for my Chicago blood." I said.
"Do you guys really eat cinnamon rolls with chili?" Dave asked.
I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, "That's Wisconsin and Michigan. We don't do that in Illinois. Or at least my family didn't." I said.
"Chester's room is the last door on the right, here I'll help you take your stuff." Mike picked up my bags and led me down the hall.
"Thanks. How's Kayla?" I asked, setting my stuff on the bed.
"She's doing good, she's ready for the baby to be out." he laughed.
He looked up at me, his smile vanishing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry." he said looking down.
"Oh no, It's fine Mike. I'm okay, really." I said.
"I just know that you're still struggling with it, and I didn't mean to remind you and make you feel bad." he said.
"No, you didn't. That actually reminds me of the other reason I came up here." I said, sitting on the bed.
Chester walked in, and I nodded toward him to close the bedroom door.
"I've got to talk to both of you." I kicked my shoes off and laid back against the headboard.
"Oh? What's going on?" Mike asked, looking at Chester, who already knew.
"Sit down, boys." I said.
They sat, Chester beside me, and Mike at the foot of the bed.
"I've been sitting on some news for a little while now, but now I think it's safe to share it with you." I reached out and took Mike's hand and Chester's.
"Chester already knows, and has known, but we wanted to wait and tell you together," I took a deep breath, "Mike, I'm pregnant again. I'm twelve weeks as of yesterday, and the reason I wanted to tell you, was because-"
"Because the baby might be mine." He finished, looking at me.
I sighed, "Well, yeah. I wanted to wait until after the first trimester to tell you, to tell anyone, because they say if you don't wait you'll jinx it. So we waited." I said.
He took a breath and looked up at me, "Well, what are you going to do?" he asked.
I shrugged, "I don't know. I mean, I'm having this baby, that's a given, I just don't know what to do about the situation that the three of us are in. I'm going to be a mother, and one of you, we don't know which, is going to be a father." I said.
"I can't believe this is happening. I hadn't even thought about the possibility of you getting pregnant. I wasn't even thinking about preventing it." He shakes his head.
"Neither was I. None of us were." Chester put his arm around me.
"Well, do we even want to find out?" Mike looked at Chester.
"For peace of mind, I want to. I mean you two look very different, so it's not like we won't be able to tell." I said.
Mike looked at my stomach, "Well shit. Now I have to tell Kayla." he said sighing.
"No you don't. We'll tell her I'm pregnant, but not that it might be yours. That way you don't have to tell her unless it is." I said.
"Trust me Michelle, when Kayla hears that you're pregnant, the first thing out of her mouth is going to be, "Oh god, it's yours isn't it?" I promise you that." He chuckled a little.
"I think that's going to be EVERYONE'S reaction." I chuckled.
"I'm sorry Chester. We wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't tried to take her from you in the first place. This could've been YOUR baby."
"It still could be, Mike. And I'm not upset about this at all. I know what happened happened, and it's done and over with now. That baby is there, and there's no taking that back now. It's a miracle, really. After what happened, this is a blessing." Chester said.
"They call them rainbow babies. It's a baby born after a miscarriage or stillbirth. They're considered a miracle." I input.
"Well, I guess wherever it came from, we should be happy it's there and that Michelle is getting another chance at being a mother." He smiled at me.
"Well, now you know, I guess that means we can tell everyone else." I shrugged.
Chester got up and opened the door, "Hey, come here guys!" he called down the hall.
The room crowded, and he sat back down beside me, putting his arm around me, and I reached out and put my hand in Mike's and smiled, "Well guys, I have some good news." I started.
They all looked anxious.
"I'm pregnant." I said.
"Oh my god!" They almost said it at the same time.
"Congratulations!" Joe hugged me.
"Well, as per usual with me, things are more complicated than just some good news, but we're going to figure it all out." I looked at Mike.
Their eyes followed and he looked over at them, "There's a very good chance the baby is mine, guys." he said.
"Well irregardless, the baby is family to us and we'll treat it as such, and hurt anyone who dares say anything bad about any of you." Brad said.
"You guys, I love the lot of you." I shook my head.
"We're family now, Mick. That's what family does, they look out for each other." Dave said.
"Well, this is your second chance to be a mom, are you excited?" Joe asked.
"Nervous, more like. I just don't want a repeat of what happened the last time. I sighed.
"That isn't going to happen again, I promise." Chester kissed me.
"So, what's the plan?" Dave asked.
"I'm going to have a baby, and the three of us are going to be a team throughout this pregnancy. We'll figure out what's next when the baby is born, and go from there." I said.
"Well, that plan sounds effective enough." Dave shrugged.
"It's gonna have to be." Mike said.
Chester turned and pulled me into a kiss, prompting everyone else to leave the room.
"Babe, I just got here. Let's hold off until tonight." I pulled away from him.
"You're right, sorry." he laid next to me, and put his hand on my stomach.
"So, how are you feeling?" he whispered.
"I'm better now that I'm in a place with air conditioning." I replied.
"You still nauseous?" he asked, lacing his fingers with mine.
"Eh, it comes and goes." I shrugged.
"So, do you have a guess? He asked, tracing circles on my stomach with his finger.
"Gender or father?" I asked.
"Both." he chuckled.
"Well, I feel like it's a boy. And-" I looked up at him, "I don't really have a guess as to which one of you is the baby's father. I want it to be you, but I really don't know." I said.
"I have a guess." He said.
"What do you think?" I asked.
"I think it's a girl, and I think it's his." he nodded toward the door.
"Really? You do?" I asked.
He nods, "I do. And I'm okay with that. I really think that you two need to sit down and talk about what's going to happen if it is his baby. You need to think about the reality that it could be his and what you're going to do." he kissed me.
"Nothing is going to happen, Chester. I'm with you. I'm happy where I am. The only difference will be that the baby will look like him, but it'll still be ours." I said.
"I want him to choose how things are going to play out in that event." He said.
He stood up, "I'm going to send him back here to talk to you." He opened the door, stopped and turned around, "Just please babe, don't have sex with him." he said.
I shook my head, "I have no desire to do that, Chester." I said.

He went down the hall, and a few minutes later, Mike walked in.
"Hey, Chester said you wanted to talk to me."
I nodded, "Close the door, and come sit down sweetheart." I told him.
"What's up, beautiful?" he sat down across from me.
"You and I need to discuss what's going to happen in the event that the baby is yours. So what's going to happen?" I asked.
He sighed, and his shoulders sagged, "I have no idea. I know we're never going to be together. I know that I do still love you, and that if the circumstances were different, I'd be absolutely thrilled to be having a baby with you. But I've got Kayla and Milo, and you have Chester. I mean if it is mine, all that will mean is that I have two kids with two different women." he sighed.
"You say that like men all over the world don't do that every day." I chuckled.
"Well, I've never thought of myself as one of those guys. I wanted to be a one woman man."
"Sweetheart, you would have been, if I hadn't come along and seduced you into falling in love with me." I said.
"Well, the first time I seduced YOU." he told me, looking down shamefully.
"Well, the heart wants what the heart wants, and you know what they say, you can't choose who you fall in love with, it just happens." I said.
"I know that's right. But there's nothing we can do about it now." He said.
"So, do you want me to give the baby your last name if it is yours?" I asked.
"Oh no, you don't have to do that, Michelle." He shook his head.
I leaned forward and took both his hands in mine, "Mike, I want to. It's only right to do so if it is yours." I said.
"Is Chester going to allow that?" he asked.
"Yes, he's the one who suggested we talk about this. Honestly, he told me he thinks the baby is yours."
"He does?"
"Yes, and he said he wants you to choose how things play out in the event that it is." I said.
"Well, if you really want to, I'd like it if you gave the baby my name. I guess we could work it out where I come and visit and spend time with the baby, and once it's older, I could take it on weekends or something. I mean you and I are friends now, we agree that what we had is over and so there's nothing standing in the way of us coparenting our child civilly." he said.
"Exactly. But the worst isn't over yet. We still have to tell Kayla what's going on and get her on board."
"She might not have a choice but to be on board." he said.
"Mike, I don't think she'd ever keep you from seeing your child, hers or mine, but she's going to be confused about the whole situations, because it's not something she ever thought she'd have to deal with, hell, this is something I never though I'D be dealing with, but here I am. We need her on board because she is a big important part of YOUR life, meaning she'll be a big important part of the baby's life." I said.
"I think when we get back at the end of the week, you, Chester, Kayla and I need to sit down and talk about this together." he said.
"I completely agree." I said.
He hugged me, "Thank you for being so mature about this. I appreciate both you and Chester's maturity and willingness to compromise." he said.
I kissed his cheek, "Of course, sweetheart. We want peace among us, and we made the baby with love, me and whoever made it, so I think it should be raised with love." I said.
He looked over at me, "Made with love?" he asked.
"Well yeah, Chester loves me, and I love him. You love me, and well, I guess I realized that this last time we were together, that there wasn't a possibility that I could love you, because I already did." I shrugged.
"YOU love ME?" He asked.
"I guess I do. But we've established that nothing is ever going to come of that. You're going to have a son in about three weeks, you should be very excited." I said.
"Oh I am. I can't wait. Now I've got to look forward to the possiblilty of welcoming another baby into the world in six months." he shrugged.
"It's exciting. But now it's a waiting game. In a month, we'll find out the gender, and five months after that, we'll find out who the father is. I guess this is the way I keep my life interesting, making messes." I said.
"Well, you're doing better. I know that this is going to be the last mess you make. You've already grown and learned so much since I met you almost a year ago, I can't wait to see the person you become when you become a mom." he kissed my forehead and hugged me.
"I hope she's a better mom than mine was." I sighed.
"Oh I have no doubt in my mind." he said.
"I just want to try and make up for what happened to Bailee."
"You will. You have already started. We're proud of you. Chester, Bailee, and I." He smiled.
"I guess that's all that matters." I smiled back.

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