Two Steps Forward, Twelve Steps Back.

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It's been three months since I told Mike that I was pregnant.

He and Kayla had a healthy baby boy named Milo Jack Shinoda, and surprisingly Kayla wasn't upset about me being pregnant like I thought she would be.

She and I talked about it and agreed that Mike and I would co-parent the baby civilly as friends and she would love our child like her own, just like Chester would.

Chester, Mike and I went to the doctor together and found out the baby was another girl, then they each chose a name they liked for the baby, agreeing that we wouldn't name her until after the paternity test was performed and we knew the results.

Now, I am standing at then stove cooking dinner while Chester is outside washing his car, Kayla and Milo are sitting at the table talking to me.

"Where in the hell did Mike come up with that name?" Kayla asked, bouncing Milo on her knee.

"I have no freaking idea. But he is dead set on naming her Zaeda Lynn." I said, shaking my head.

"Don't tell my husband but I like Chester's name better." She said.

"Brynlee Faith. I know, I like it too." I said.

"Morning sickness getting better?" She asked.

"For the most part. It comes and goes." I shrugged.
"You two still fucking like rabbits?" She asked.
I gave her a look, "We have sex just about everyday, if that's what you mean." I said.
"Lucky you, we had sex maybe twice the whole time I was pregnant, and we've done it once since I had Milo." She rolled her eyes.
"Well the lack of sex while you were pregnant can be blamed on the fact that he was having sex with me. But I don't know why he's not having sex with you now." I shrugged.
"I don't know what his problem is." she replied.
I turned off the stove, "I'm exhausted and I haven't done anything today." I sighed.
"That's part of being pregnant, sister." She said.
"I don't even remember being this tired when I was pregnant before." I replied.
"You made it to six months, didn't you?" She asked.
"I was six months when Bailee was born." I said sadly.
"Well you're almost to seven months. You're going to be fine. I'm just praying that it's Brynlee, and not Zaeda. And I don't just say that for obvious reasons." she said.
Chester walked in, shirtless and sweaty.
"Hey gorgeous, what's cooking?" he asked.
"Stir fry." I answered, eying him him up and down.
"Good, I'm starving." He wiped his face with a damp washcloth, filling a glass up with water.
"Jeez Michelle, why don't you just lick the sweat off of him." Kayla laughed.
"Shut up." I turned around.
"I wouldn't do that, I'm gross. I'm covered in dirt and grass and shit from laying on the concrete." Chester said.
"Go take a shower then, babe." I told him, not looking up.
"No, because then she'll really attack you." Kayla said.
"I'm in no condition to attack anyone, thank you." I smiled.
"Like that's stopped you in the past." She said.
"It's the hormones," I shrugged, "Now if you'll excuse me, my daughter is sitting on my bladder." I turned and went down the hall.
I was washing my hands when Chester opened the bathroom door with clothes and a towel in hand.
"I'm going to take a shower, baby girl." he kissed my cheek.
"Okay babe." I said, drying my hands.
"Later tonight, I'm going to rock your world." he said, smacking my ass.
I moaned, "Don't do that. I'm already turned on enough because of these pregnancy hormones." I said.
He smiled, "If I didn't drive you crazy, would I even be your husband?" he asked, stripping down.
I bit my lip, looking him up and down, "No. Now take a shower before I fuck you on this bathroom floor." I opened the door and stepped into the hall.
At the same time, Mike walked through the front door.
"Hey you." I smiled, hugging him.
"How are you girls today?" He asked.
"I'm fat and horny and she's kicking and moving." I shrugged, going into the kitchen.
"You should let your husband take care of that." he laughed, following me.
"He's going to, later. What brings you by?" I asked.
He leaned down and kissed Kayla, picking up Milo, "This right here, I was looking for these two." he said.
"That's my Milo bear." I smiled at Milo, who smiled his toothless smile and reached for me.
"Come here buddy." I perched him on my hip, and he laid his head on my shoulder.
"Aw, Milo do you love your Auntie Mickey?" Kayla asked.
Milo smiled and started to babble.
"This is my little best friend." I said, mussing his hair.
"She and Chester are going to watch Milo this weekend so we can go on our anniversary date." Kayla stood up to put her plate in the sink.
"Oh are you?" Mike asked.
I nodded, "Yes, we'd be thrilled to keep this little cutie." I kissed Milo's cheek.
"You're a natural already." Mike said.
"Yeah, only thing is, I'm having a girl, and girls typically don't like me." I laughed.
"She is going to love you, Michelle. You're her mother." Mike told me, taking Milo.
"I hope so." I sighed.
"She's kicking, do you guys wanna feel?" I asked.
Mike put his hand on my stomach, just as the baby kicked hard.
"Wow, she's wound up about something." He laughed.
"Probably because I'm really hungry. Or she's tired." I said, making a plate of food.
The bathroom door opened and Chester came down the hall, "Hey dude, what's up?" he asked.
"Came here looking for my wife and son. Michelle was just letting me feel the baby kick." He hugged Chester.
"She still kicking?" Chester asked putting his hand on my stomach.
"Yeah, I haven't started eating yet." I laughed.
He felt my stomach, then started drumming on it with his fingers, making the baby kick again.
"Quit annoying her." I told him, sitting down.
"She'd better get used to it, because I'm going to be THAT guy." Chester made a plate and sat next to me.
"HE'S the one she's going to hate." Kayla laughed.
"Probably." I agreed.
Chester shrugged, "All girls hate their dad at some point in their life. I know Michelle has. And if she's yours Mike, then hang on tight, because I hear this one was quite the wild child in her teen years." Chester nodded toward me, looking down at his plate.
"I don't think this one will have the same problems she did, Chester. Sure we can expect an attitude and a smart mouth, but I doubt we'll have a lot of trouble out of her." Mike defended me.
"I was a pain in the fucking ass as a teenager. I'm surprised my parents didn't ship me to boarding school or put me up for adoption." Kayla said.
"My mother would've loved to do something like that to me, but my dad never would let her." I said.
"She's a piece of work, that woman. If she'd shipped you off to boarding school or put you up for adoption, no doubt you'd have been strung out and pregnant a lot sooner." Chester said.
"Oh definitely. Probably dead by now too." I added.
"Well, let's just all agree that we're glad Jack didn't let that happen, because we love Michelle." Kayla smiled over her glass of water.
"Thanks KK." I replied.
"Well, now that I've eaten and the baby is still, I'm going to take a nap." I stood up and put my plate in the sink.
"Yeah, sleep while you can." Kayla picked Milo up.
I hugged her and planted a sloppy smooch on Milo's cheek, "I'm trying. See you later little buddy, love you." I mussed his hair again and he laughed.
"Mikey, I'll catch you on the flip side." I gave him a hug before going down the hall and crawling in bed.
I heard the front door open and close and the water in the kitchen come on.
I nodded off into sleep.

Breaking The Habit (Chester Bennington fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن