Two Steps Forward, Twelve Steps Back.

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes and the sun was glaring through the cracks in the blinds.
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, starting the shower.
"Mickey, you awake?" Chester called.
"I'm in the shower, babe." I said.
"I gotta go to work, but I'll see you tonight, okay?" he poked his head behind the curtain.
"Okay babe, I love you." I pecked him on the lips.

When I got out of the shower, he was gone.
I resorted to taking a nap on the couch when someone knocked on the door.
"I just sat down. It's open!" I called.
Chauntelle accompanied by my dad walked in.
"Oh great, because I was having such a good day." I stuggled to sit up on the couch.
"Michelle, I didn't come here to lecture you. You're an adult and I'm too old and tired to try and boss you around anymore, I simply have one question for you." He sat next to me.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Why'd you do this to yourself?" He asked.
"Simple, daddy. Because I had no idea what I wanted, and it's gotten me into a tough situation." I shrugged.
He shakes his head, "So you really don't know which of them is the father?" he asked.
I shook my head, "No idea. I know that it's one of them, but I don't even have a guess as to which one."
"What's going to happen if it's the other guy's?" he asked.
"We've already discussed it, and we agree to civilly co-parent the baby while staying in our respective relationships." I said.
"Will she have his last name?" he asked.
I nodded, "If she's his, she'll have the name he picked out. If she's Chester's, he gets to name her. And to answer your next question, Chester is okay with this, he's the one who encouraged me to tell Mike that I was pregnant, and he encouraged me to discuss the possibility of the baby being his with him, and what we were going to do." I said.
He sighed, "Oh Mickey. My sweet little blue-eyed baby has grown up and made a mess for herself." he smiled.
"I wasn't going to stay a baby forever, dad." I replied.
"I know, kitten. I just didn't think you'd grow up to have such a complicated life." He said.
"That may very well be the scariest thing about having a baby. You look at something so small, frail and dependent on you, and you just have no idea what kind of life they're going to have. You can break your back to give them the best life possible, but whether it happens or not depends on them and their decisions. You can teach a child right from wrong, but there's no knowing if they'll take your advice. You don't know, in the first moment you're holding them, what kind of person they're going to be, all you know is that you love them endlessly, no matter who they grow up to be." I said.
He wiped his tears, "Exactly. You hit the nail on the head, baby." he hugged me.
"Sometimes I do that. Drives my husband crazy." I chuckled.
"No offense princess, but he'd have to be to stay with you." he said.
"None taken. I've questioned his sanity a time or two, but I know that crazy or not, he loves me and that's all that matters." I said.
"I suppose you're right. Where is my son-in-law, anyway?" he asked.
"Working. The drama and bullshit has put them WAY behind schedule and they're trying to pull it together." I replied, sipping my tea.

"When are YOU going back to work?" he teased.
"After I have this little girl. I tried working before I found out I was pregnant, but that didn't work out." I shrugged.
"By that you mean that you left the house with intention of going to an audition, but ended up buying heroin and going back home, where you drank and shot dope until you passed out in a lake of your own vomit." He said.
"Pretty much." I nodded.
He laughed, "I gotta get back to Chicago, but I'll call and check in on you soon. Don't forget to call me when you have that baby so I can meet my granddaughter. And her dad, whoever he may be." he hugged me.
"Trust me, If Chester or myself forget, Chauntelle over there will call you when I go into labor." I said.
"Good. I can't wait to meet..." He paused, looking at me.
"It's between Zaeda Lynn and Brynlee Faith right now. It all depends." I shrugged.
"Well, whoever she comes out as, I'll love her anyway. I love you." he kissed my hair and followed Chauntelle out the door.

I'd just stretched back out on the couch when the front door opened again.
I sighed, "Damn it, what now?" I called.
"Came to check in on you." Mike walked in and sat in the chair beside the couch.
"I'm fine. Pregnant, not brain damaged, remember?" I didn't look at him, I continued to flip through channels.
"How are you feeling today?" he asked.
"I'm sleepy, but everytime I lay down to sleep, the baby wants to kick or make me throw up, so she's already giving me hell, and I've given up on sleeping." I answered, putting the remote down.
"So, I've got to tell you something. I don't want to, because I don't want to upset you."
"Just spit it out, Mike." I had my arm over my eyes.
"Chester relapsed this morning. I found him in the bathroom pulling a needle out of his arm. He begged me not to tell you, but I feel like if I didn't, we might have a repeat of the last time he overdosed, or a repeat of the last year, neither of which I think anyone wants to go through again." He said.

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