Chapter 35 (Omniscient POV)

Start from the beginning

"What are you boys talking about?" Aaliyah walked over to them.

"Nothing. Where are the twins?"

"With Marcella. She took them to the Ferris Wheel."

"Gio, doesn't believe you're cyncere...."

"You told him??" She looked over at Gio.

"Well he had questions after seeing you shoot at the last booth."  Damien shrugged.

"Well, Gio, what's not believable about it?" She asked.

"I didn't say I didn't believe him. All I said was mafia affiliates are hard to kill." He clarified.

"Not true. You're naive if you believe that."

"Oh really??" Gio crossed his arms.

"Yes. I've been an assassin for 14 years. I took my first life at 12 and was forced to be an assassin by age 13 after the boss learned I was indeed a dead shot. I've always been the best at what I do. I'm a better assassin than Physical Therapist. That says a lot considering I am the most sought out independent Physical Therapist."

"Listen to her. Or she'll show you what she's capable of."

"One question.... is she more dangerous than you, Damien?"

"Nah, she's close though." He smirked as he looked down at his woman.

"Alright. I guess I'll believe it for now."

"Come on. Let continue to enjoy the festival." Aaliyah grabbed the two men's hands and pulled them with her.

"Will Miss.Aaliyah Daniels please come to the stage?" The announcer called.

Damien furrowed his brow. Aaliyah let go of their hands and made her way to the stage. She whispered in the DJs ear and a slow soulful instrumental began to play.

Aaliyah grabbed the mic and began to sing. Her voice was low and sensual.

"Frankie, didn't I tell you
You've got the world in the palm of your hand.
Frankie, didn't I tell you
They're running at your command.
You know the tricks
As if their your invention
It wasn't your intention, Frankie
To fall in the trap you made"  her hips swayed from side to side as she sang the song from memory.

Damien knew Aaliyah had many talents but he never know she could sing. If he wasn't seeing her then he would've thought it was Sade singing but at the same time Aaliyah's voice was slightly different from Sade. Her voice was a little deeper and she made the song her own.

"It's a crying shame, ohhhh
You couldn't win the game, heartbreaker
This time it's your first affair
Frankie's, first affair
It's your time to cry, heartbreaker
Frankie's, frankies, first affair
It's your time to cry."

Aaliyah's body language spoke volumes. She was effectively seducing the crowd even though the song was about another woman's infidelity. Her voice remained sweet, low, and seductive. Her red silk outfit made the performance that much more sexy. Damien's eyes were glued to her as he stared with admiration and lust.

What couldn't the little vixen do?

When she finished the crowd went insane. She humbly bowed and thanked them then walked off stage.

"Amazing, cara." Marcella grabbed her and pulled her into a warm hug.

"That it was." Damien walked over with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his trousers.

"Thank you."

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing, Micio?" Damien asked.

"You never asked. Anyways I don't sing often. This was Marcella's idea."

"Well, Dia, Thank you. And I loved it, Micio."

"Don't get used to it." She smirked

"Now come! Let's eat." Marcella suggested.

"Oui! I'm starving." Aaliyah grabbed Marcella's arm and the twins hands walking off to find food.

"Are you sure she doesn't have any friends???"  Giovanni asked.

Damien laughed.

When they got home Aaliyah put the twins to bed then prepared a bubble bath for Damien and herself.

"I enjoyed Moon Fest a lot. I'm not used to quality time with "family," so, tonight felt good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I enjoyed your performance very much." Damien's eyes darkened with as he pulled her over to his side of the tub.


"Yes. But I feel like it was a set up to seduce me. Are you sure Dia came up with the idea??" He asked as he caresses her arm.

"I'm certain Dia came up with it. If I wanted to seduce you then I'd do it here at home, in the confines of our bedroom." She turned climbing into his lap.

"Oh really?" Damien raised a brow.

"Oui, Monsieur Arden."

"You really don't believe I can restrain myself?"

"It's not that I don't think you can, I know you don't want to and you don't care to. Let's be honest, you don't care whether you win the bet or not, Lover." She leaned in and pecked his lips.

"No I don't." He lifted her slightly, lining his erection up with her opening and slipped into her.

Her back arched on instinct as she settled on his cock.

"I guess you'll be paying up then, huh, lover."

"I will."

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