Chapter 1

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"Alexia, wake up, we're landing." I hear my father's voice whisper form the seat next to me. It had taken us 20 hours to fly all the way from JFK to the Sydney, Australia Airport. I had been anticipating this day since I was 10 years old. I always knew I would go to the International Film School in Sydney. It had been my dream ever since I found out that my mom and dad had met there.

"Alexia?" he says again.

"I'm awake. Calm down." I mumble back. I wanted to take my sweet time waking up considering most of my classes I would have to wake up at seven for. I politely asked the woman next to my father to move back so I could use the bathroom. When I entered the bathroom, I touched up my concealer and mascara and brushed my thick brown hair. I had always hated my hair. I inherited my dad's hair, thick and dark brown. I had always wanted my mother's hair. It was long, blonde and silky. Mine was just a big pile of frizz.

They pilot told us all to fasten our seatbelts because we were begining our decent. Once we landed, I ran out to grab all of my bags. We saw the time and realized we were going to miss the train if we didn't hurry. My dad and I ranuntil we rached the train platform. We made it. When I got on the train, someone caught my eye. His eyes were dark brown, darker than mine. His hair was pushed to the side and it had blonde streaks across it. Then I stopped. Jared and I had just broken up, I couldn't be looking at other guys already. Or I could. Would it be that bad? Yeah. I need to stop.

For some reason, I just couldn't stop looking up at him to see if he was looking back. Obviously he wasn't. I was wearing a big sweatshirt and leggings and was barely wearing any makeup. I swear I look like a crazy woman just staring at this guy. Once our stop finally came, I grabbed some of my bags and my father grabbed the other two. Then I saw that the really cute guy was getting off at this stop as well. If he goes to this school I will freak out. He started walking towards me. Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me.

"Hi, I'm Calum Hood." His Australian accent makes my heart beat out of my chest

Shit. I have to talk.

"Hey, I'm Alexia. You go here?" I sound insane.

"Yeah, I'm in the co-ed dorm, fine arts major, you?"

"Cinematography, and I'm in the co-ed dorm too." Oh my God.

"Ahh, film. Love it. You want help with those?" He asks my father.

"Yes, thank you. My name's Gareth. I'm Alexia's father." My father shakes his hand and gives him my last two bags. He mouths to me I like this boy and I roll my eyes.

"You mind if I leave Alexia with you? I have to catch a plane so I can get back home." My father asks. I look at him like he is insane. I just met Calum. He could be a murder for all I fucking know.

"Sure. Nice to meet you, Gareth." Calum says with a smile.

"You as well." My father gives me a hug and is off.

Calum walks me to my door. Turns out he's right down the hall. I swipe my key card and walk into the room to see a boy with hair dyed white with a black streak and a brunette girl making out on her bed. Suddenly, they stop and look at Calum and I.

"Hi, you must be Alexia. I'm Lia. This is Michael, my boyfriend. I guess we're roommates!"

"Calum! Hey!" Michael beams.

"Long time no see Michael! I've missed ya man" Calum looks mad. Really mad.

"We're gonna head to the coffee shop. See ya Alexia!" Lia and Michael leave the room, hand in hand. Something is wrong. I don't know if I should ask.

"That's my best friend, Ashton's, girlfriend."

This isn't going to end well.

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