Beginning of the semester.

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Ok, this is Marinette's pet:

A miniature Pegasus!Now onto the story

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A miniature Pegasus!
Now onto the story.

It was September 1st and Marinette was on her way to the express to go to Hogwarts.

Marinette pov.
Hmm, here is no booths open! Ughhh. Oh wait, aha! I see one. But their is another guy and girl. I'll just ask them if I can sit here..
"Hii, I'm Marinette and I was wondering if I can sit here with you guys?" Marinette manely asked the girl, but the boy answered her question."Hey, the names Nino, and of course you get sit with us! By the way dudette, the chick next to me is Alya, my best friend." Nino gave her a goofy smile.The ombre-headed girl/Alya, punched him on his arm the said:"Sup girl, I'm Alya, which you already know thanks to the 'gentleman' beside me!" Nino pouted while Alya and Marinette laughed at him. After 6 minutes a boy with electric green eyes came in."Hey, I'm Adrien and I was wondering if I can site here?" Marinette turned her head to look at the boy."Oh, hey Adrien! I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you were already there!" She giggles slightly and pats the seat next to her to show Adrien where he can sit. Adrien gladly slipped in the seat and they all started talking.
After 25 minutes,the conductor spoke up on the speakers:
"We will now be arriving at Hogwarts academy. Please exit carefully." Alya and Marinette ran to the front and got out first."Eeeeeeek! I can't believe I'm here!" Mari proclaimed."Me neither girl!" Alya answered Mari."Ok let's go get our groups! I hope I'm a Gryfindor!" Alya said while dragging me inside towards THE hat that decides your group.
Adrien pov
"Hey dudettes! We finally caught up with you!" Nino said while crouching down to catch his breath."Sorry bubs, we were just too excited!" Alya proclaimed. Ok so 'bubs' is basically a nickname for bubbles, cause when they were younger, Nino loved to play with bubbles.
"Attention learners. We will now give all of you your groups. When we call your name, please step forward!" A woman that looked very jolly said to us.
Ok, time skip to where everyone got their groups. And the groups were as the following!

"Marinette, how are you a Slytherin?!" Alya asked/yelled Marinette."I don't know, maybe I just did something that was very bad? But actually, I am glad to be here, because I think they are not as bad as people say they are. So I'm just gonna have to get used to it!" Marinette giggled nervously.

"Alright students! All the Slytherins and Hufflepuffsplease come with me." A Chinese man said.
In the separate room.
"I will now choose your Huffle-buddies."
Pairing here:

"Whaaaat?!" A annoying screech came from the Ravenclaw group. Chloe. "She can't be with my Adrikins!Change me to Slytherin, then I can be with Adrihoney!" If your wondering, yes they were in different rooms, but they announced the pairs on a speaker. "I'm sorry Miss.Bourgeois, but the hat never lies. If your gonna keep disturbing Miss. Marinette and Sir. Adrien, then you will be expelled." The Chinese man said.Author, please stop calling us on our looks! I'm Master Fu. The woman beside me is Mrs.Bustier and the man next to her is Mr.Democles. Alright! All the students know your names now😑 Back to the story!
"Alright, all the Slytherins will share a dorm with their Hufflebuddies and two other people." The ch-- noo, I told you my name!-- I mean Master Fu said.
The dorms:
Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino.
Juleka, Rose, Alix and Mylene.
Kim, Nathaniel, Max and Ivan.
Chloe, Sabrina and Lila." You three will share a small room."Miss. Bustier said. "Ughh no fair! I wanna be with Adrien!" Lila screamed.
Yessss, I know Nino is Kim's buddie, but I want those four to share a dorm, soo what the heck.😏
"Alright, everyone go to your dorms. There will be two seperate rooms. Each room will have a bunked bed in. Your bed will have a nametag on. Hufflebuddies will share a room with their Slytherins." Said Mr. Damocles.
At Adrienette and Nalya room.
"Ok so I get top bunk and you get bottom?" Adrien asked Marinette.
"No, looks like I get top. My nametag is here." She gave him a small giggle." Wow, your giggle is amazing." He 'thought' to 'himself.See what I did here?🤣 "Oh um, thanks Adrien!" She gave him a small smile."W-wait, di-did I say t-that out loud?" He started to blush 50 shades darker. "Hehe, yeah but its okay!" She gave him a warm smile." Ok, let's get unpacking, then we can sit and chill with Alya and Nino on the couch."
Oh yeah! I forgot to show you guys how their dorm looks like! Here ya go.
Nalya room:

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