A part of her, if she was being honest didn't want to believe it. Even though she had the proof in black and white she still refused to believe it and her attending the ball was supposed to be a way for her to escape her reality just a bit... that was until she had to tell August.

        She could've told him any other time but she felt as if the ball would be a safe space; she was wrong.

Laying in the dark, Sky played with her fingers as she stared up at the ceiling as the moonlight shined on it.

Was she disappointed in herself? Yes, but then again she wasn't thinking much of anything going wrong. Should she have waited to tell the news? Yup, she had the right intentions but wrong delivery and wrong timing.

There was nothing she could do about it though, she made that bed and had to lay in it rather she liked it or not.

It was time for her to start acting like an actual adult and taking ownership of her actions. She was barely a mother and she was already putting a child at risk because she refused to believe the truth.

She knew she had some more growing up to do and hoped the baby would be of help if no one else would.

Hearing the door open, Skylar glanced towards the door seeing August standing in the doorway with his hands inside his pockets. She couldn't see his face in the dark but with the slight light from the moon, she was certain he was still upset.

"We need to talk," he said.

"I know," she sighed sitting up and leaned into the headboard.

Walking further into the room, August sat on the side of the bed and stared at the carpet trying to find the right words to say.

Skylar sat there playing with her fingers nervously just waiting on him to yell or curse her out at any given moment but no words were exchanged.

For 30 minutes they sat in silence and it made her nervous. She wasn't aware that for her own good, it was best for him to really sit and remain quiet as he had a conversation with himself. He could be ruthless and very hurtful when he wanted to be but hurting her was something he never wanted to do.

To keep him leveled and to keep her mind at ease he spent time trying to figure out how Mel would react if they were to have one last conversation.

Would he congratulate him? Tell him he moved too fast? Tell him he wasn't ready? Or would he be happy and give him the first-time-father advice? So many questions and so many thoughts, only one person he really wanted to talk to and he couldn't.

"Why? Just why yo?" His question caught her off guard, she wasn't sure what he meant.

"Why what?"

August laughed to himself then lowered his head for a moment and closed his eyes.

"You knew you were pregnant and still came... for what?" He asked.

"I... um... wasn't sure,"

"Did you have an idea dat you were, yes or no?"

"Yeah," she mumbled and he shook his head.

"So why come? You could've brought it to my attention, I would've stayed my ass right here with you. You found out and yet still came to tha' ball bro.... like how is dat shit cool? You knew yet still came and thought it would be cool to tell me news like dat there? Are you crazy, deadass, I need real answers,"

Love After the StreetsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora